Summer concert event
10-08-2018 15:33
Summer concert event
On August 9, the “Summer Concert” event took place at the Aygolek Children's School. Characters came for entertainment: Summer, Clown, Cloud, Sun, Doll. Children danced, sang funny songs, recited poetry and played instruments. And the guests played various games with the children. The children had a lot of fun. Each child felt joy and warmth, received positive emotions.
Safety at sea
09-08-2018 16:51
Safety at sea
08.08.18 in the “Aygolek” preschool educational institution together with the teacher of the English language of school # 4 conducted an entertainment on the topic “Safety rules at sea”. The purpose of which is to consolidate children's knowledge of safety at sea. During the entertainment, the children played games: "Grasshopper", "Cap", "Vodichka", solved riddles. Children were also asked questions about the sea and interesting tasks. It was very funny and perky.
"By the rules of the road"
06-08-2018 12:19
On August 3 in our kindergarten there was an entertainment "By the rules of the road" The aim is to consolidate children's knowledge of the rules of the road and create a joyful emotional mood. Remember the learned rules with the children and teach them to apply them in accordance with the created situation. To develop speech, memory, logical thinking, and the ability to navigate in children. The children were visited by a Road sign, Grandma-Zlyuka, Uncle Styopa. The characters, together with th
"Games with water"
31-07-2018 14:43
On July 27, in our kindergarten, the entertainment "Games with water" was held. The purpose of the entertainment was to instill a careful attitude to water, to create a joyful mood for children. To develop physical qualities: speed, dexterity, strength, flexibility, endurance. Cloud and Sunny came to visit the children. The characters, together with the children, took part in competitions, sang songs, danced and solved riddles. It was fun and interesting for the children.
Holiday dedicated to the anniversary of the capital – Astana.
05-07-2018 15:50
               Holiday dedicated to the anniversary of the capital – Astana.
The 5 th of July in 2018 DDU " Aygolek "on the eve of the anniversary of the day of the capital, the children's holiday" Astana – uly Dala elordasy " Is a fun, bright, memorable festival, which the children give to the capital of our Republic– Astana. The purpose of the event is to get acquainted with the history of the city of Astana, the development of interest, education of Patriotic feelings, love for the Motherland, respect for the capital. Children read poems about the capital - Astan
Competition «The Best construction of sand»
04-07-2018 14:50
Competition «The Best construction of sand»
As part of the activities for the summer health period the 29th of June in the DDU "Aygolek" held a competition among all age groups for the best construction of sand "we are in the sandbox together out of the sand to build a house." The aim of the competition was to improve the creative potential of children through the creation of buildings made of sand, which was attended by teachers and preschoolers from 2 to 6 years. All participants showed great imagination and skill. How much jo
The "Magic train»
22-06-2018 13:59
The 22 nd of June our school held a fun "Magical train". There was a good "Summer" and an old woman Shapoklyak. They raised the emotional state of children through fun outdoor games: "Find your flower", "Sun and rain", " Collect candy by color." At the end of the holiday they solved riddles, answered the questions. How beautiful summer time!
Hello summer
15-06-2018 13:14
Hello summer
In the kindergarten "Aygolek" took the fun "Hello summer", which came to visit the Sun and Pinocchio. Mixed up the seasons and dressed for the winter, and the children helped him to understand. Children together with characters solved riddles, played fun games and danced. The children had fun and interesting.
"Hello summer".
08-06-2018 12:35
The 8 th of June in our kindergarten "Aygolek" was held sports entertainment "Hello summer". Here were used: balls, hoops, scooters. Children participated in relay races as "Who is faster on scooters", "Find your house", and there were ball games. The children were happy to communicate with each other in the play activities.
The Best site
07-06-2018 10:13
The Best site
The 6th of June , 2018 in our kindergarten was held a review competition "the Best site", in which teachers showed their imagination in the originality of the design of playgrounds. Creating a bright, festive atmosphere, teachers have prepared areas for the summer health season.
The day Republic of Kazakhstan symbols
04-06-2018 13:37
The day  Republic of Kazakhstan symbols
The 4 th of June , the event dedicated to the day of symbols of Kazakhstan was held in the kindergarten "Aygolek". Children sang the anthem, recited poems about symbols, sang and played national games. A slide was shown. This event strengthened the knowledge of children about the symbols of Kazakhstan.
«The Children Protection Day»
01-06-2018 15:11
«The Children Protection Day»
The 1st of June in Balkhash city the International Children's Day was celebrated, which took place on the embankment. This holiday was bright and memorable for the children of the older groups of our kindergarten. Every child received a lot of pleasant impressions, new sensations, joy and warmth. Our kindergarten organized the "Photo", where everyone could be photographed for memory. And for children of younger groups the holiday was organized on the territory of a kindergarten. All th