Certificate of honor
11-03-2021 09:55
Certificate of honor
Sadvokasova Saltanat Berikzhanovna will be awarded for her significant contribution to the development of education and achievement and professionalism.
Certificate of honor
11-03-2021 09:48
Certificate of honor
Kaipbergenova Aliya Zhagypparovna will be awarded for her significant contribution to the development of education and achievement and professionalism.
To the attention of parents and employees of educational institutions!
03-03-2021 10:16
To the attention of parents and employees of educational institutions!
To the attention of parents and employees of educational institutions!
Attention, parents!
02-03-2021 15:04
Attention, parents!
Attention, parents! In connection with the upcoming holidays, donating cash and other types of gifts FORBIDDEN! Administration of KGKP "Nursery - garden" Aygulek "
General parent meeting held on the ZOOM platform
25-02-2021 09:37
General parent meeting held on the ZOOM platform
General parent meeting held on the ZOOM platform from 23.02.2021 to 24.02.2021
25-02-2021 08:07
During the spring flood and ice drift, it is prohibited: - to go to water bodies in the spring; - cross the river during the ice drift - come close to the river in places of ice jam - stand on a steep bank subject to spill and collapse -gather on bridges, dams and dams -approach ice jams -to push ice floes from the coast -measure the depth of the river or any body of water -walk on ice and ride on them.
Careful, thin ice!
25-02-2021 07:58
Careful, thin ice!
If your child falls through the ice: 1. From the shore, throw him a rope, scarf or long stick. 2. Try to gently crawl up to the child, reach out and pull out by the clothes. 3. You need to act decisively, boldly, quickly, because the child loses strength, freezes and may drown. 4. After taking the child out of the ice water, he needs to be warmed up.
INDIGO electronic kindergarten
18-02-2021 11:30
INDIGO electronic kindergarten
Extraordinary benefits are always at the beginning of the queue and are awarded to the following categories of persons: 1.children of military personnel 2.children of employees of special state bodies
INDIGO electronic kindergarten
18-02-2021 11:20
INDIGO electronic kindergarten
Extraordinary benefits are always at the beginning of the queue and are awarded to the following categories of persons: 1.children of military personnel 2.children of employees of special state bodies
Geokont Voskobovich
16-02-2021 12:04
Geokont Voskobovich
In today's world, adults cannot imagine their life without digital technology. Even children at a young age know how to use a computer, tablet and phone. However, such gadgets do not in any way affect the development of the child, since the baby must actively develop and grow. Therefore, not virtual objects should come to his aid, but real toys that can be touched, assembled, built. Many modern games influence child development. One of such a special place is occupied by games according to V.V.
10-02-2021 13:45
Aigul Kadybergenovna was awarded for quality training of winners and prize-winners of the republican marathon "Urker" for curious children.
10-02-2021 13:43
Erlan Rayana, the winner of the republican intellectual marathon "Urker" for curious children, was awarded.