Education work

Winter Fairy Tale

Category: Educational work
Date: 2022-02-18 09:34:06
Winter Fairy Tale
Everyone knows that winter is a long-awaited and beloved time for children! And for us, the Balkhash people, the snowy winter is especially a joy. The weather pleased us with an abundance of snow and frost. It's no secret that for physical development, strengthening immunity in our time, it is necessary to spend as much time as possible in the fresh air. On January 28, 2022, the students o...
Author: School №17

A meeting was held with the representative of "Adaldyk alany" Daniyar Israilovich

Category: Educational work
Date: 2022-02-16 17:42:55
A meeting was held with the representative of
The formation of anti-corruption standards of behavior of adolescents is carried out purposefully and systematically. A meeting was held with the representative of "Adaldyk alany" Daniyar Israilovich.During the meeting, he explained in detail the causes and consequences of corruption actions, gave several examples for a more accurate acquaintance with the topic, described the need and...
Author: School №17

On 27.01, an online meeting of ministers of the school parliament was held at which modern problems of society and ways to solve them

Category: Educational work
Date: 2022-02-16 17:37:26
On 27.01, an online meeting of ministers of the school parliament was held at which modern problems of society and ways to solve them
On 27.01, an online meeting of ministers of the school parliament was held at which modern problems of society and ways to solve them, namely corruption actions, were discussed. The Minister of Law and Order defended the presentation on the topic "map of corruption offenses". Corruption (from Lat. corrumpere- to corrupt, Lat. corruptio — bribery, corruption, corruption, corruptio...
Author: School №17


Category: Educational work
Date: 2022-02-16 17:28:02
Debates on the topic "The place and role of Kazakhstan on the world stage" with the participation of the 7th grade. High school students acted as a referee and timekeeper, controlled the course of the game. In the process, important topics affecting the achievements of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan were discussed today
Author: School №17

The activists of

Category: Educational work
Date: 2022-02-16 17:21:02
The activists of the school together with members of the school parliament launched this action with an appeal to do good deeds and provide care. The guys helped clear the snow from the road, and the girls poured bread crumbs into bird feeders
Author: School №17

As part of the implementation of the regional project "Zein" and the week of mathematical literacy

Category: Educational work
Date: 2022-02-16 17:16:07
As part of the implementation of the regional project "Zein" and the week of mathematical literacy, English teachers held math minutes "Mathsbeat" in their lessons. Such tasks contribute to the systematization of knowledge, both in mathematics and in English. The guys performed the tasks with interest and presented their works
Author: School №17

Photo contest "Winter fun"

Category: Educational work
Date: 2022-02-16 17:09:00
Photo contest
Photo contest "Winter fun"   Winter is a wonderful and magical time of the year, which enchants with its beauty and landscapes. Students of grades 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7 shared their pastime. Winter fun is so great! In winter, I want to skate and sledge, throw snowballs and make snowmen. Our guys showed how much they love winter holidays, and how they know how to have fun! This co...
Author: School №17

Photo contest "Winter fun"

Category: Educational work
Date: 2022-02-16 16:59:50
Photo contest
Photo contest "Winter fun"   Winter is a wonderful and magical time of the year, which enchants with its beauty and landscapes. Students of grades 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7 shared their pastime. Winter fun is so great! In winter, I want to skate and sledge, throw snowballs and make snowmen. Our guys showed how much they love winter holidays, and how they know how to have fun! This co...
Author: School №17

Extracurricular event "My rights. My responsibilities"

Category: Educational work
Date: 2022-02-16 16:30:56
Extracurricular event
Extracurricular event "My rights. My responsibilities"   As part of the implementation of the regional project "Bala kukygy - Adam kukygy", an extracurricular event for 5th grades was held at our school.In order to educate legal literacy among students, children learned and talked about their responsibilities in an interactive form.The event was held by the history...
Author: School №17

Құрметті достар! Бізде керемет жаңалық бар!

Category: Educational work
Date: 2022-01-26 16:03:00
Құрметті достар! Бізде керемет жаңалық бар! Қазақ халқының ұлы перзентінің құрметіне Балқаш қаласының № 17 мектеп-лицейіне Әлімхан Ермековтың есімі берілді . Әлімхан Әбеуұлы Ермеков-қазақтың тұңғыш математигі, профессор, Қазақ тіліндегі Жоғары математика оқулығының авторы. Айтулы оқиға аясында 29 қаңтар күні сағат 10-да Әлімхан Ермеков атындағы математика пәні бойынша Аймақтық олимпиада өткізі...
Author: School №17

24 қаңтар күні 8 және 9 сыныптар арасында мектепшілік дебат турнирі өтті

Category: Educational work
Date: 2022-01-24 17:31:54
24мың Қаңтарда ZOOM платформасында мектеп пікірсайыс турнирі өтті. "Легион" ,"Flex" ," Әділет"атты 3 фракция қатысты.Ойын АӨФ форматы бойынша өтті. "Легион" командасы жақсы дәлелдер келтіре отырып, жеңіске жетті.
Author: School №17

Қыс – өзінің сұлулығымен, әдемі көрінісімен баурап алатын ғажайып және сиқырлы жылдың мезгілі.

Category: Educational work
Date: 2022-01-22 15:37:30
Қыс – өзінің сұлулығымен, әдемі көрінісімен баурап алатын ғажайып және сиқырлы жылдың мезгілі. Әрине, қыста балалар қармен ойнап, шаңғы теуіп, коньки тебеді. Бұл өте керемет шақ. Мектебімізде оқушыларға арнайы "Қыс қызығы" атты байқау ұйымдастырылды. Байқауға 1,2,3,5 және 7-ші сынып оқушылары қатысты. Олар өздерінің қысқы қызықтарымен бөлісті.
Author: School №17

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