
Category: our achievements
Date: 2022-01-27 11:38:01
At the city stage of the republican debate tournament among schoolchildren “Ushkyr oi alany”, the prize-winning III place was taken by the team “Ushkyn”, in the nomination "Best SPEAKER" Omirgazyayaulym.
Author: School №9

KSU "General Education School No. 9" of Balkhash Movement of students for the second quarter of the 2021-2022 academic year

Category: Statistics
Date: 2022-01-27 11:31:46
                       Сынып Сыныптар саны Оқушылар саны 1-4 12 273 5-9 16 311 10-11...
Author: School №9

Information parent meetings

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2022-01-26 14:56:44
Information parent meetings
On January 22, 2022, an online meeting was held with the participation of a school nurse, organized by parents of grades 6-11 and classroom teachers. During the online meeting, parents were given explanations about the need for vaccination, the timing, and the actions of doctors during vaccinations. During the meeting, the parents asked their questions and received comprehensive answers from the...
Author: School №9

On termination of the powers of the boards of trustees

Category: Board of Supervisors
Date: 2022-01-26 14:40:16
Author: School №9

Gym opening hours

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2022-01-26 09:09:54
  Апта күні Ауысым  Уақыты Оқу процесі Мұғалім Секция, спорт түрі Мұғалім Шұғылданушылар саны Дүйсенбі 1 ауысым 09.00-09.45 8Ә Рымкулова Б.А...
Author: School №9

Menu or 25.01.2022

Category: School canteen
Date: 2022-01-25 15:33:37
Menu or 25.01.2022
Author: School №9

Menu of 24.01.2022

Category: School canteen
Date: 2022-01-24 12:22:45
Menu of 24.01.2022
Author: School №9

"Law and religion", "misleading religious trends" information of the class hour on the topic

Category: Cool hours
Date: 2022-01-24 09:50:35
On 24.01.22, our school held class hours with students of grades 9-11 on the topic: "Law and religion", "misleading religious movements" related to the prevention of religious extremism. Among the students, issues related to the prevention of religious extremism and terrorism currently occurring in different parts of the world were considered and discussed.The questions "...
Author: School №9


Category: our achievements
Date: 2022-01-24 08:26:16
The third place in the city competition of flag bearers "Ulanymyz uly eldin", dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, was taken by the team of flag bearers of our school.
Author: School №9

They wrote”five dictation"

Category: Session methodical association
Date: 2022-01-21 21:28:23
They wrote”five dictation
At the week of reader's literacy "XXI century-the century of literate generation!" Kazakh language and literature teacher Kozgurenova G.From 5th grade wrote "bestik dictation" Goal: the development of literate and artistic writing of the student. # XXI century-the century of the literate generation!#
Author: School №9

The production of Y. Altynsarina "garden trees"was recorded

Category: Session methodical association
Date: 2022-01-21 21:25:14
The production of Y. Altynsarina
Secondary school No. 9 in Balkhash at the week of reader literacy "XXI century-the century of the literate generation!" 3 classes wrote the work S. Altynsarina "Baksha agashtary" in the campaign "artistic writing is a sign of literacy". Purpose: the development of literate and artistic writing of the student. # XXI century-the century of the literate generation!#
Author: School №9

Do not be misled!"interesting game

Category: Session methodical association
Date: 2022-01-21 21:19:40
Do not be misled!
"The XXI century is the century of the literate generation!" an action on the theme "Zhanyltpashtan zhanylma!" was held with students of grades 2 "A" and 2 "B" at the reading literacy week. An educational game was held. Goal: to train students to pronounce the word correctly and clearly. # XXI century-the century of the literate generation!#
Author: School №9

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