Category: Все

Protocol №3

Protocol №3

2022-01-14 09:54:56

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town teachers mini-center "Aybөbek"

In KSU "boarding school №24" Education department of Balkhash town teachers mini-center "Aybөbek" Nұrmyshova Zhansaya Zeynetullaevna "Mektepke deyіngі tәrbie -zhaңa үrdіsterdің bastauy" Serikova Elmira Қayratovna "Balabaқshadaғy didaktikalyқ oyyndardyң rөlі" Raқymzhan Arailym Sәulebekқyzynyң "Mektepke deyіngі mekeme men bastauysh buyn arasyndagy sabaqtastyk" published their articles in the Republican scientific and methodological journal "Pedagogtar men ziyatkerlik balalar" and were awarded a certificate.

2022-01-14 09:37:33

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"Functional literacy is a guarantee of quality education."

Information On 13.01.2022 in MSO "Boarding school №24 of the Department of Education of Balkhash town" "Functional literacy is a guarantee of quality education." pedagogical council Focusing on the issues on the agenda. "Functional literacy is a guarantee of quality education." The report on the topic was read. The quality of education of schoolchildren for the first half of the year was analyzed and the achievements of students in the city and regional Olympiads were discussed. Primary school teachers Sambetova DN Zhunusova AN shared their experiences. The new rules of teacher certification were introduced and detailed information was provided to future teachers. The decision of the Pedagogical Council was to monitor the implementation of the weaknesses of each event.

2022-01-14 09:31:04

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"History of Kazakh-Russian relations until the beginning of the XVIII century."

On November 29, as part of the school "Teacher of the Year" in 7A class held an open lesson on the history of Kazakhstan "History of Kazakh-Russian relations until the beginning of the XVIII century." Purpose: Analysis of the domestic political situation in the Kazakh Khanate. . The students answered the question "30 years of independence", the students focused on the achievements of these 30 years. The lesson used the strategy "Verbs", "Plot table". Pupils 'interest in the lesson was high. Feedback, formative assessment, students' assessment of each other were carried out in each lesson. Subject teacher: Sholakova IM

2022-01-14 09:27:12

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"Research Conference"

On October 12, within the framework of the school "Teacher of the Year" in 4 A class there was an open lesson on natural sciences "How do creatures develop". The purpose of the lesson: How creatures develop. , "Do you know?" , Used the method of "Research Conference". During the approval of the lesson gave feedback using the "Butterfly Method". The interest of students in the lesson was high. Subject teacher. Mazhraeva RA

2022-01-14 09:25:34

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"Consonant B and P"

On October 6.10, within the framework of the school "Teacher of the Year" in 2A class held an open lesson on the Kazakh language on the sound "Consonant B and P". Find the lost letters "," Who is faster "game increased the interest of students in the subject., Formative assessment, feedback at the end of the lesson was effective. Subject teacher: Zhunusova AN

2022-01-14 09:23:27

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2021-11-16 14:13:28

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2021-11-16 14:12:37

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2021-11-16 14:10:28

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Мектепішілік бақылау

Мектепішілік бақылау

2021-11-10 14:46:59

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Тарификация және штаттық кесте 2021-2022 оқу жылы

Тарификация және штаттық кесте 2021-2022 оқу жылы

2021-11-02 15:14:02

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Ал қанекей қыздар 6 б сыныбы

Ал қанекей қыздар 6 б сыныбы

2021-10-15 11:15:37

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