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Training camps 2015

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2015-05-28 11:09:57
Training camps 2015
According to the implementation of Government Resolution №118 from February 11, 2013 "About basic military training”, 5-days training camps with boys of the 10th forms of comprehensive schools of Balkhash town was conducted by town Department of education, in cooperation with the Department of defense of Balkhash town on June 21-26, 2015. 108 boys and 14 teachers-organizers of BM...
Author: Department

«Құлақтан үнің кетпестей, сыңғырла, соңғы қоңырау!» атты салтанатты жиыны

Category: News
Date: 2015-05-28 09:53:16
        Мектеп  ауласында  көңілді  әуендер  орындалып  тұрды. Мектебіміздің  1 қабаты, акт  залында  тақырыптық  безендірілді.      11 сынып  оқушыларына  арналған  ролик  көрсетіліп  тұрды.   2014-2015  оқу  жылын  38  түлек  бітір...

Graduation matinee

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2015-05-28 06:13:08
Graduation matinee
       Most people withspecial warmth and joy remember the time spent in kindergarten. This is where the child first becomes real friends can gain the knowledge and experience of the older generation, learning to know life. Graduation party at the kindergarten "Er Tөstіk" was the most memorable moment and a real treat for graduating seniors groups, number 4 and numb...
Author: Department

"We are now students"

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2015-05-27 10:19:41
     27th May at PO "Er Tөstіk" in correctional groups №2 and №3 passed matinee "We are now students" .In attended by children and their parents.The colorfully decorated auditorium of the children danced, sang, read poems. .With parting words were to the children and guests: Head det.sada- Adambekova KA, EA Bocharova speech therapist, teachers. The pa...
Author: Department

Information about the celebrations, dedicated to the celebration of "Last call!"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-05-27 04:08:06
Information about the celebrations, dedicated to the celebration of
Objective: To summarize the results of study of graduates of 11 classes.   Colorful celebration last call began on May 25 in 10 hours. The ceremony was attended by chief of the department of culture and language development of Balkhash town Aynur Ieshkyzy Ashimzhanova, Methodist education department Kulash Kayrkenkyzy Ainabekova, "Honorary Citizen" of the city of Balkhash, excel...

"Ring the last call"

Category: school news
Date: 2015-05-26 05:36:07
On May 25 the ruler on "Ring the Last Call" was carried out at 10:00 o'clock to KGU "Gymnasium Balkhash". Samat Beksltanly, the methodologist of department of education Balkhash of Balapanov Zhanargl Saatbekyzy and dear teacher of a gymnasium of Tleulin Қамар Gabdullovna were invited to the last call the head of department of veterinary science Moldabekov.  ...

«Сыңғырла,соңғы қоңырау!»

Category: Жалпы білім беретін №5 орта мектебінің 17.04.2015ж күнгі Қазақстан халықтарының Ассамблеясының 20 жылдығына орай өткізілген «Біз Қазақстан халықтарымыз» атты мәнерлеп оқу сайысының ақпары.
Date: 2015-05-26 04:37:05
«Сыңғырла,соңғы қоңырау!»
Жалпы білім беретін №5 орта мектебінің  25.05.2015ж күнгі  «Сыңғырла,соңғы қоңырау!» салтанатты жиынның ақпары   25.05.15ж күні  сағат 10.00-де  дәстүрлі  «Сыңғырла,соңғы қоңырау!» салтанатты жиын өткізілді. Жиынға  мектеп бітіруші  9сынып оқушылары,ата-аналар және шақырылған қонақтар қатыстырылды. Салтанатты жиын мектептің АКТ...
Author: School №5

The information about the holiday "last call" in school №24

Category: New
Date: 2015-05-25 10:17:35
The information about the holiday
The most festive and unique holiday 6prazdnik who accompanies students to the summer vacation - the last call was held in school №24 st. Balkhash very interesting. Students who entered the school just yesterday the threshold, it is now grown up, leave their home school. It is clear that this day will remain forever in the hearts of students. The event called "links, last call" was at...
Author: School №24

The information about the regional campaign "Safe Summer" at the secondary school №24

Category: New
Date: 2015-05-25 09:49:23
The information about the regional campaign
23.05. in high school №24 passed urok- training on the topic: "Safety of children in the summer" in the framework of the regional campaign "Safe Summer" with the participation of students, teachers, parents, inspectors and specialists of emergency "Water-saving station." In this lesson, the specialists of "Water Rescue Station" and paramedic school A.Baz...
Author: School №24

On May 21, at the school - lyceum № 15 on the results of the 2014-15 school year was held the traditional annual VII forum of winners "Intellectuals - the country's future".

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-05-25 09:15:11
On May 21, at the school - lyceum № 15 on the results of the 2014-15 school year was held the traditional annual VII forum of winners
On May 21, at the school - lyceum № 15 on the results of the 2014-15 school year was held the traditional annual VII forum of winners "Intellectuals - the country's future". The forum consisted of three stages: Stage 1 - rewarding teachers whose pupils have won the Olympiads, the competition of research projects of international, regional levels.   №...

The last call

Category: Новости
Date: 2015-05-25 08:31:40
The last call
    Ы.Алтынсарин атындағы жалпы білім беретін №25 орта мектебі бойынша «Сыңғырла , күміс қоңырау» атты соңғы қоңырау салтанатының ақпары 25 мамыр 2015 жыл 2015 жылдың 25 мамырында сағат 10.00-де №25 орта мектебімізде 10-11 сынып білім алушыларының  «Сыңғырла, күміс қоңырау» атты 2014-2015 оқу жылының соңғы қоңырау салтанаты өтті.  Жиынның...
Author: School №25

Information on the festival "Last Bell" in school №8

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2015-05-25 07:09:53
Information on the festival
May 25, 2015 at the school held a solemn line, devoted to the graduates' Syңғyrla, soңғy қoңyrau! "At present the line Secretary of town maslikhat Rahimberlina KT, chief specialist of the city department of education Bekturganova AO students 1,10,11 classes and their parents. parting words and wishes of the graduates said the school director Tokeybekova AT holiday guests was presented t...
Author: School №8

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