
"Day of school"

Category: мектептің жаңалықтары
Date: 2016-04-25 08:53:58
In the 22.04.16. in our school was  passed traditional "Day of school". The round table "Council of fathers", "Council of mothers", in 3 "ә"  class was held a mathematics lesson in three languages, a chemistry lesson in the 8th class on the subject "Future of Chemistry", a talk-show among pupils of 5-8 classes on the subject "Readi...
Author: School №5

«Ұлы Абайдың ізімен»

Category: мектептің жаңалықтары
Date: 2016-04-25 08:46:56
«Ұлы Абайдың ізімен»
Among the pupils of 5-10 forms was held a competitions of readers. The pupils of our school took an active part. The 3d place – Makazhan G 7 “A” The 1st place –Nurlybayev G 5 “ә” Sadybek A took an acnive part in the competition of essay
Author: School №5

Republican children's and youth organization unified«Жас қыран»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-04-25 07:19:49
Republican children's and youth organization unified«Жас қыран»
25 April, on the eve of the day of Unity of the peoples of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in school-lyceum took place a ruler to adopt the best students into the ranks of the Republican children's and youth organization unified«Жас қыран». Peopls  7-8 classes took the oath for solemn awarding of badges and ties are invited to the school administration and young graduates.

С 31 марта в детском саду Жулдыз была произведена санитарная очистка территории.

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2016-04-25 04:11:46
С 31 марта в детском  саду Жулдыз была произведена санитарная очистка территории.
С 31 марта в детском саду Жулдыз находящийся по адресам ул. Караменде Би-12, ул. Караменде Би-16 была произведена санитарная очистка территории. 31 марта произвели уборку территории по уборке сухостоя, листвы, мусора и прокопку арыков за территорией. 2 апреля была произведены работы по обрезке кустов находящийся на территории и вне территории и уборка листвы около кустов, расчистка игровых площа...

"Clean City"

Category: News
Date: 2016-04-25 03:55:22
      In the spring clean- attended 760 students, 35 perpodavateley, 20 household workers. According to the action "Clean City" group "Murager" and "Zhasulan" cleaned 17 districts. Cleaned posted ads on bus stops and shops. 5 school students cleaned around the school. 6 school students cleaned the school garden. Students grades 8-9 cleaned...

20.04.2016 was held a meeting of students in grades 9-11 with a psychologist grammar school Amirbekova KJ on the theme "Promoting anti Interactive dependence".

Category: News
Date: 2016-04-25 03:22:26
20.04.2016 was held a meeting of students in grades 9-11 with a psychologist grammar school Amirbekova KJ on the theme
20.04.2016 was held a meeting of students in grades 9-11 with a psychologist grammar school Amirbekova KJ on the theme "Promoting anti Interactive dependence". The purpose of: to provide information about the safe use of information by students

The holiday of Nauryz

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2016-04-25 02:54:20
The holiday of Nauryz
From 16 to March 18 in our kindergarten of «Zhuldyz» passed mornings devoted to joyous spring holiday of «Nauryz». At the mornings childrenplayed folk games, sang songs, danced and recited poems. The characters known from fairy tales such as Emelya, Aldarkose, Kozhanasyr, beauty Spring led the children into the magic world. The characters sang and danced with children. Ki...

Mornings devoted to International Women’s Day on March 8

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2016-04-25 02:45:51
Mornings devoted to International Women’s Day on March 8
From 2 to March 4 in our kindergarten of «Zhuldyz» passed mornings devoted to International Women’s Day on March 8. Our children congratulated their mothers and grandmothers. Children dedicated their poems and songs to moms, grandmothers and girls. The costumes and dances and kind words all spoke about the spring. In our kindergarten was a competition of hats. At the matinee pa...

A healthy lifestyle

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2016-04-25 02:31:49
A healthy lifestyle
On Thursday 03 March in the kindergarten of «Zhuldyz» was a competition to the day of Independence of Kazakhstan under the name of the small Olympic Games on a healthy lifestyle. Educators and teachers participated in the competition. Adults had to stay in the Champions role and the role of the dances. Teachers were happy and showed a healthy lifestyle. In the event were the followin...

Thanksgiving day

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2016-04-25 02:14:04
Thanksgiving day
In our kindergarten of Zhuldyzwe celebrated a thanksgiving day. On this day parents of the kindergarten thanked workers for the warmth of their hearts. This day became a memorable day for all. Parents congratulated workers with holiday. They wrote their wishes and said the word thank you. Parents thanked teachers and told them kind words. They wrote their gratitude on the postcards. Teachers wit...

Information On conducting regional "Pure Saturday" 23 April SSH№24

Category: New
Date: 2016-04-24 18:34:56
Information   On conducting regional
Activists of the "Zhasulan" and "Murager", as well as students of grades 5-9 had a line under the slogan "I'm for clean city!". Then began cleaning work. In total 115 students participated, 30 students, 9 person technical staff. It was cleaned the school grounds, whitewashed trees and curbs.  
Author: School №24

VIII Festival "Гүлзар"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2016-04-23 12:46:07
VIII Festival
25.04.2016 plan, organized by area, campus decorated with festive banner. In the Hall of the symbolism of the book fair was organized. In order to improve functional literacy, formation of ethical, aesthetic education in school-lyceum passed traditional VIII Festival "Гүлзар". The event was attended by parents and agitbrigada 1Әclass. They call upon all to love nature, to take care of...

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