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Жаңартылған оқу бағыты бойынша "Бағалау процедурасы және оны құрастыру" тақырыбына семинар-тренинг 1-2 сынып мұғалімдеріне арналған

Жаңартылған оқу бағыты бойынша
January 27, 2018 on the basis of KSU "School-Lyceum № 17 named. VV Mayakovsky "the city seminar-training was held within the framework of implementation of the updated content of education on the topic" Evaluation procedure and development of its tools "for teachers of the 1-2 forms.
The workshop was multifaceted, with concrete practical advice. The program of the seminar is thought out, visual and distributing practical material is prepared. In conclusion, Kim E.O. held a master class on working with parents.
Participants of the seminar noted the high professionalism of the organizers of teacher-trainers Ainekova SA, Gapich IV, Kim E.O.