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Е.А. Бөкетов атындағы Қарағанды Мемлекттік университетінің меңгерушісі Кудусов Арыстан Сатыбалдиновичпен кездесу

Е.А. Бөкетов атындағы Қарағанды Мемлекттік университетінің меңгерушісі Кудусов Арыстан Сатыбалдиновичпен кездесу

01/20/2018 in the School-Lyceum # 17 named after. V.V. Mayakovskogo there was a meeting of pupils of 10-11 classes with the head of the Department of Physics and Nanotechnologies of the Karaganda State University. E.A. Buketov Kudusov Arystan Satybaldinovich, where he introduced the mission of the Faculty of Physics and Technology, which consists in the training of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical staff, specialists in the field of natural sciences, technology and technology, in the field of services capable of realizing professional knowledge in education, science, production . Arystan Satybaldinovich interested the students, the school-lyceum will conclude a cooperation agreement with the KarSU in the near future on teaching the professions of EMN subjects (mathematics, physics, computer science). Today, the world enters the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, an era of profound and rapid changes: technological, economic and social, and therefore we must train and educate future demanded professionals of new and promising professions.