Information aboutthe ceremony of"Torch Victory"dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory, the "70th anniversary of 70 days!"

Information aboutthe ceremony of

In our lyceum 04.09.2015 was a solemn line in the "Hall of Heroes"  "Torch of Victory", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory. On the eve of the 70th anniversary of the Victory launched patriotic action "Flame of Victory."

Purpose: To raise pupils' love for the country, a sense of pride for his people, and respect for his feat and raise patriotic feelings in the examples of heroism, bravery and courage of our people.


The ceremony was attended by Mayor of the city of Balkhash Rayymbekov A.M., deputy mayor of the city of Balkhash Zhaksylykova S. Zh., secretary of the city of Balkhash town Maslikhat Rahimberlina K.T., Deputy Chairman of Balkhash city branch of the party "Nur Otan" B.M. Sekerbekova, and also MakanalinT., head of the defense of the city of Balkhash  Alishev A.B. veterans rear Musataev A.M, Bilalova K.M, Okubaev M., a veteran of the Afghan war,  Nurgaliyev L.M.