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Teacher of the Kazakh language and literature Imangalieva G. M. held a regional online lesson on Kazakh literature on the theme "the world of heroes in the poem of M. Makatayev "Akkular uyyktaganda".

Category: News
Date: 2020-03-13 10:34:06
Teacher of the Kazakh language and literature Imangalieva G. M. held a regional online lesson on Kazakh literature on the theme
     12.03.2020 in the 8th "A" class was held a regional online lesson on Kazakh literature on the theme "the world of heroes in the poem of M. Makatayev "Akkular uyyktaganda". The purpose of the lesson: to characterize the characters in a work of art, classify direct and indirect characteristics. Based on the literary criticism expressed in the work. &n...
Author: School №5

"Family is the basis of spiritual modernization"

Category: News
Date: 2020-03-04 13:11:39
  In the 3rd "B" class , an open class hour was held . The class teacher Gabbasova Zhanar held class hour on the theme of" Family - Rouhani gear" . Educational hour to form children 's ideas about friendship, friendship, friendship, friendship, friendship, friendship, friendship, friendship. The education of love for the family. For the purpose.
Author: School №5

"Eternal fiery years»

Category: News
Date: 2020-03-02 07:36:15
On 27.02.2020, in the 4th "B" class, an open class hour was held on the theme: "Mangilik ospes otty zhyldar".   The purpose of the lesson: to give an idea about the great Patriotic war, about the heroes-daughters of the Kazakh people. During the event, the main directions of the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev to the people of...
Author: School №5

Information about the results of the week "Financial literacy" from 10 to 15 February Выделите текст, чтобы посмотреть примеры

Category: News
Date: 2020-02-29 09:21:33
Information about the results of the week
From the eleventh of February to the sixteenth of February, under the leadership of the business club"Financial literacy", a Week of "Financial literacy" was organized in grades 1-11 of the school, where solemn lines and lines were organized, in General, the events were held at a high level. Goal of this week::   Teach students to deepen and expand the planning and a...
Author: School №5

Corner was organized "Barshay my letter of thanks letter of thanks".

Category: News
Date: 2020-02-27 13:57:14
Corner was organized
On March 1, the country celebrates a national holiday-the day of gratitude. On the eve of this day, activists of the "self-government "organization" Zhas Ulan "organized a treat " Barshanyga myn algys". At our school, students, parents, and teachers expressed their gratitude to each other.       Gratitude day is a bright holiday of Kazakhstan&#...
Author: School №5

The presentation of the audio and video of the 175th anniversary of Abay on theme "Laten satilan".

Category: News
Date: 2020-02-27 13:50:24
The presentation of the audio and video of the 175th anniversary of Abay on theme
February 25 at secondary school №9 among the librarians of town schools was held the presentation of audio-video recording "Later arlynda Soz alderan" dedicated to the 175th anniversary of birth of Abai Kunanbaev.  The purpose of the event: promoting patriotism, love for native country, love for the native land, love for the native land, for native land.      &n...
Author: School №5

Assistance was provided by the youth group volunteer of the club "Shapagat".

Category: News
Date: 2020-02-20 09:24:05
Assistance was provided by the youth group volunteer of the club
On February 15, 2020, the youth of the Shapagat group of the volunteer club provided assistance. They are very low, helped single mother Valentina. They cleared the yard of snow. Valentina's sister thanked the students and gave a blessing.  Most importantly, to engage in voluntary work, you need a desire and activity. Thanks to the young volunteers who provided free help, we see a lot o...
Author: School №5

According to the ll-section of the school day "what is the model of education and upbringing in school?how? for what?"the school forum-2020 was held.

Category: News
Date: 2020-02-10 08:49:36
According to the ll-section of the school day
According to the ll-section of the school day "what is the model of education and upbringing in school?how? for what?"there was a school forum - 2020.7 February in the ll part of the city day of the school there was a competition" What is the model of training and education in school?". how?  for what?"the school forum-2020 was held.In the l-section of the forum,...
Author: School №5

«МЕН ОФФЛАЙН» Республикалық кең ауқымды балалар акциясы аясында өткен іс-шаралардың ақпары.

Category: News
Date: 2020-01-28 07:59:43
«МЕН ОФФЛАЙН» Республикалық кең ауқымды балалар акциясы аясында өткен іс-шаралардың ақпары.
Негізгі мақсаты: – интернетке  тәуелділіктің алдын алу, кәмелетке толмағандардың Интернет белсенділігін бақылауға қатысты ересек интернет-қызметтерді пайдаланушылардың жауапкершілігін Интернет-пайдалану мәдениетін арттыру. «Бүгінгі таңда балалардың смартфоннан немесе планшеттен алшақтауына келісім бермеуі әр ата-анаға таныс жағдай. «Тағы да 5 минут, сосын болды...
Author: School №5

Abu Nasr al-Farabi 1150 years old

Category: News
Date: 2020-01-20 12:29:41
Abu Nasr al-Farabi 1150 years old
      In celebration of the 1150th anniversary of the scientist-philosopher Abu Nasr al-Farabi (870-2020), which became the pride of the Turkic people, "the teacher Sani" (the second teacher), on the ground floor of the school arranged an information stand on the topic: "1150 years since the birth of the great thinker, Aristotle East in 2020", known is Abu Nasr...
Author: School №5

Informative hour: "Alashtyn arysy, Kazakhtyn namysy"»:

Category: News
Date: 2020-01-20 12:24:05
Informative hour:
    20 қаңтарда  ЖББ №5 орта мектебінде көрнекті мемлекет және қоғам қайраткері жерлесіміз Нығмет Нұрмақовтың  125 жылдығына арналған 7 «Ә» сынып оқушыларымен «Алаштың арысы, қазақтың намысы» атты танымдық сағат өткізілді. Сынып жетекшілері,  тарих пәнінің мұғалімі Т.Мақыш  қазақтың белгілі мемлекет және қоғам қайраткерінің ерен еңбегі туралы...
Author: School №5

Informative hour: "Alashtyn arysy, Kazakhtyn namysy"»:

Category: News
Date: 2020-01-20 12:18:15
Informative hour:
    20 қаңтарда  ЖББ №5 орта мектебінде көрнекті мемлекет және қоғам қайраткері жерлесіміз Нығмет Нұрмақовтың  125 жылдығына арналған 7 «Ә» сынып оқушыларымен «Алаштың арысы, қазақтың намысы» атты танымдық сағат өткізілді. Сынып жетекшілері,  тарих пәнінің мұғалімі Т.Мақыш  қазақтың белгілі мемлекет және қоғам қайраткерінің ерен еңбегі туралы...
Author: School №5

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