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"Successful models of professional cooperation"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-05-31 10:46:08
✅ On May 26, 2021, in order to share the experience of the professional community of teachers in the field of distance learning, the traditional school forum "Successful models of professional cooperation" was held in accordance with the work plan of the leading school. Our partner schools: MSO "Comprehensive school No. 5 of the education department of the city of Balkhash of th...


Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-05-31 10:36:37
✅ “Last time the bell rang for 51 graduates of the school-lyceum №15 named after Alikhan Bukeikhanov. ✅ The solemn meeting was held in the open air, in accordance with sanitary requirements. Our graduates flew out of the golden nest and entered the big life. Good luck YOUNG GRADUATES!

Dear Parents!

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-05-31 10:32:12
Dear Parents!
✅ In the 2021-2022 academic year, 100 children (this year six and six) were admitted to the MSU "Lyceum School No. 15 named after Alikhan Bukeikhanov" for grade 1. BILIMAL.KZ ". Accepted through the electronic portal "EGOV.KZ", a contingent of the 4th category was formed. THANK YOU for choosing our lyceum school!

Parent meeting

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-05-31 10:29:19
Parent meeting
✅Today, May 22, 2021, in order to organize the completion of the 2020-2021 academic year, an all-Russian parent meeting was held for parents of grades 1-8,10,11 in the ONLINE format, for parents of grade 9 in the traditional regular mode. ✅In the agenda: ✏️Part I: The class teacher's report (discussion of general organizational issues: the results of the 2020-2021 academic year, activi...

"I support a healthy lifestyle"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-05-31 10:20:30
✅21.05.2021 within the framework of the program of events "Week of Health" for schoolchildren from 6 to 17 years old under the motto "I support a healthy lifestyle" in order to strengthen the health of schoolchildren, to form a healthy lifestyle. , promotion of physical activity An informational webinar "What is human health?" with students of 9B, B grades.

"Conducted training and effective methods of memorization."

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-05-31 10:15:36
✅ May 21, 2021, within the framework of the regional project "Reading Together" of the Educational and Methodological Center for the Development of Education of the Karaganda Region G.M. Koishina, primary school teacher "Lyceum School No. 15 named after Alikhan Bukeikhanov in Balkhash "conducted training and effective methods of memorization." Multiply the number 9 with...

"Effective use of innovative teaching methods and e-learning tools in Primary School."

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-05-31 10:08:46
✅ On May 21, 2021, Gulzhan Magauievna Zhumanova, a primary school teacher at the Balkhash School-Lyceum No. 15 named after Alikhan Bukeikhanov, shared her experience with city teachers on the topic "Effective use of innovative teaching methods and e-learning tools in Primary School."

«Болашаққа интелектуалды серпіліс»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-05-20 12:33:15
 «Болашаққа интелектуалды серпіліс»
2021 жылдың 19 мамыры күні 4 сынып оқушыларының «Болашаққа интелектуалды серпіліс» атты дәстүрлі онлайн- форумы өтті. Форумға 4-сынып оқушыларының ата-аналары мен ата-әжелері, мектеп-лицей әкімшілігі қатысты. Басты кейіпкерлер 4 жыл бойы білім мен тәрбиені бойларына сіңіріп, өздігінен білім алуға дағдыланған табысты оқушылар өз жетістіктерінің нәтижелерін «Жетістістіктер галер...

"Отанымыздың алтын діңгегі - отбасы!"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-05-18 13:44:28
14-17 мамыр аралығында "Отанымыздың алтын діңгегі - отбасы!" атты 15 мамыр - халықаралық отбасы күніне орай "Менің тату отбасым " тақырыбында 9-10 сыныптар аралығында мектеп - лицейішілік шығарма байқауы өтті.  Байқауға барлығы 16 оқушы қатысты.  Шығарманы марапаттау барысында оқушылардың мазмұны мен идеясын ашуда, ой - пікірлерін жүйелі жазу , грамматикалық сауат...

"Cool hours"

Category: Educational process
Date: 2021-05-17 16:08:25
05/17/2021 in grades 1-11 classes were held on the following topics. 1-6 grades: Traffic Laws. Final lesson. Write securely 7 classes: Traffic Laws. Rules for the movement of cyclists and moped drivers. Rules for the carriage of passengers and goods on bicycles, motorcycles and scooters. Write securely 8 classes: Traffic Laws. Technical requirements for a bicycle (moped) with an outb...

«Lesson study»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-05-17 10:23:10
«Lesson study»
✅ On May 15, 2021, a city seminar was held on the topic "Lesson learning - an effective way to improve the quality of teaching and learning" with the aim of improving the quality of education through conducting learning lessons aimed at improving the educational process. ... Supporting professional development is the key to effective education.

"My family is a place of happiness"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2021-05-17 10:08:30
"My family is a place of happiness" 

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