
In the urban pedagogical Olympiad "A talented teacher – gifted children"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-02-08 09:27:38
In the urban pedagogical Olympiad
In the urbanpedagogical Olympiad "A talented teacher – gifted children" in the nomination "senior s” team secondary school №15won second honorableplaceand was awarded a diploma of the second degree.

"A talented teacher – gifted children"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-02-08 09:24:14
In city pedagogical Olympiad  "A talented teacher – gifted children" in the nomination "The young teacher" teacher of English Tіleubek Amangul won  first honorable place and was awarded a diploma of the first degree.

Republican campaign "Together! To victory! "found full support in Balkhash.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-02-08 06:19:01
Republican campaign
Republican campaign"Together! To victory! "found full support in Balkhash.On February 7, competitions in skatingand skiing took place in the stadium of the school № 15.Warm weatherfacilitated  to interesting competitions.There were 8 teamsparticipated inspeed skating relay.As a result first  place went to school number 17, school № 15 and school №1shared the second...

Among of the city’s schools Konyrat in the village Konyrat school № 3 was

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-02-07 10:00:49
Among of the city’s schools  Konyrat  in the village Konyrat school № 3 was
Among of the city’s schools  Konyrat  in the villageKonyratschool№ 3was passed the meeting devoted to the 25 anniversary, the World Day ofmobilizationagainstthe threatof nuclear war andthe "Friends ofthe Earth."KSU"Secondary school №15of Balkhash town"EcoSquadof "Zhasyl el"  took the I place.

courses “Technology of criteria-based assessment”

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-02-04 04:02:13
27-28.01. 2014,17 teachers of our school took active part in problematic courses “Technology of criteria-based assessment”, which was organized by branch of JC “Orleu” NCTQ” ITQ on Karaganda region.

on the basis of the republican educational and improving center "Baldauren" the republican scientific and practical center "Daryn" of MAUN RK held the IX republican competition of research works and the creative Zerde projects among pupils of 1-7 classes.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-02-04 03:55:52
on the basis of the republican educational and improving center
On January 25-27, 2014 on the basis of the republican educational and improving center "Baldauren" the republican scientific and practical center "Daryn" of MAUN RK held the IX republican competition of research works and the creative Zerde projects among pupils of 1-7 classes.Pupils No. 15 of school of the city of Balkhash defended the project at republican competition on se...

The open lesson about heroes in the poem “Batyr Bayan” was conducted in the 8A grade on Kazakh literature.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-02-04 03:39:24
The open lesson about heroes in the poem “Batyr Bayan” was conducted in the 8A grade on Kazakh literature. The aim: to estimate heroes of the poem, to attract pupils to the creation of Magzhan Zhumabaev. The lesson was interesting and was held on high level.  Teacher: Ibraibekova  A.N.

“Library design as the main part of general informational culture – real and virtual components space of modern library”

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-02-03 07:01:36
“Library design as the main part of general informational culture – real and virtual components space of modern library”
 Another seminar of school librarians under the theme “Library design as the main part of general informational culture – real and virtual componentsspace of modern library” was conducted on 31.01.2014 at the library of school №15. Workers of town children library after A.Gaidar : “Virtual space of book exhibitions, with the help of programs: Qvick Time Plauer,flash-...

From 21st till 30th of January passed a tournament of hockey of city between

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-02-01 04:02:52
From  21st  till 30th of January passed a tournament of  hockey of city between
From  21st  till 30th of January passed a tournament of  hockey of city between schools. In the semi-finals were participated  team of school № 15, 16, grammar school № 7, school № 24. In the final for the III place there met school gymnasium №7and school № 16. 2-0 won grammar school № 7. For first-place participated the team from school number 15 and number 24. 2-0 team won...

Hhe 24th of January of Social Sciences and Humanities in the school library in the Hall of Ancestors had a historical-hour show pleasing

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-01-27 06:56:56
Hhe 24th of January of SocialSciences and Humanities in the school library in the Hall of Ancestors had a historical-hour show pleasing "Карлаг – қазақтың қасіреті»which was attended byKyrgyz culture honors, local historian-chronicler, the author of three hundred collections, two books Sardarbekova K.Y., and corresponding members of the school press was pupil from "Jas Orke...

Information about conducting of the intellectual game “Myn bir makal, zhuz bir zhumbak”

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-01-25 04:16:42
Information about conducting of the intellectual game “Myn bir makal, zhuz bir zhumbak”
The intellectual game “Myn bir makal, zhuz bir zhumbak” was conducted among the 6th classes on the 22nd of January. The aim: to teach pupils to use proverbs in their speach, to guess riddles, to develop oralmonologues. 6 pupils took part in this game. by the results of the game winners were announced: І place –Token Aruzhan ,6Vgrade ІІplace –Тoken Arailym,6V grade...

Teacher of Kazakh language and literacy SaparovaG.B. conducted the open lesson “Kasibi sozder” on the 27th of January in 5G grade

Category: NEWS
Date: 2014-01-25 04:07:05
Teacher of Kazakh language and literacy SaparovaG.B. conducted the open lesson “Kasibi sozder” on the 27th of January in 5G grade
Teacher of Kazakh language and literacy SaparovaG.B. conducted the open lesson “Kasibi sozder” on the 27th of January in 5G grade The aim: to spread the pupils’ concept about professional words, capability to apply them correctly, and also inculcation oflove to all professions. The lesson was conducted in integrated form and the class was divided into 4 groups: “Bilimin...

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