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The 7th traditional procession "Jas ulan"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-05-06 04:03:06
The 7th traditional procession
 For the purpose of patriotic education of the younger generation, education of students discipline, accuracy, love for the country was a competition drill, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory. The director of school-lyceum № 15 K.Sh.Dubirbekova congratulated all the participants and guests on the Victory Day, the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland. The contest invited Methodis...

Always be vigilanty

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-04-30 15:15:40
Always be vigilanty
Explanatory works on road regulations on the theme «Жасап, ойлап, байқап көр» by the action “Always be vigilanty” was conducted among young inspectors of primary school in the hall of road regulations. Pupils were familiarized with road regulations.

Information about the gala event dedicatedhonoring and awarding commemorative medals to the 70 anniversary of the Victory WWII veterans and home front workers

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-04-29 13:20:18
Information about the gala event dedicatedhonoring and awarding commemorative  medals to the 70 anniversary of the Victory WWII veterans and home front workers
April 29, 2015 at KSU "school-lyceum № 15" held a solemn ceremony of commemorative medals "70 Years of Victory" to veterans and home front workers Objective:To generate a sense of patriotism and love for the country, a sense of pride in their country on the example of the heroic deeds of people in wartime, to bring respect for the older generation. On the ground floor of...

A festival of friendship

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-04-29 12:48:11
A festival of friendship
28.04.2015 the CSE “School-lyceum №15of Balkhash” in the mini center “Tanshuak” dedicatedthe day of unity of peoples of Kazakhstanwas conductedmorning performance on the theme "A festival of friendship” with the middle group “Tuimedak”.Children danced, sang songs, played games of different nationalities. Children took active part.  

Travel lesson

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-04-29 01:07:34
Travel lesson
27 - April pupils of 2 classesmade a sightseeing walk around the sights of the city. Children extended their knowledge by visiting such monuments as: the bronze monument Agybay Batyr, established in honor of the 70th anniversary of the city, located on Independence square, monument street Karamende bi, a monument in honor of the citizens who subjected to repression, and the monument of the compo...

Travel lesson

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-04-28 12:48:41
Travel lesson
          Pupils of the 4th grades of school-lyceum №15 conducted the excursion to the monument of Karamende bi on 27.04.2015. Teacher of primary school Shulenbaeva G.Zh. hold the lesson-travelling near the monument.            The aim of the action: to up bring children to respect their historical s...

Travel lesson

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-04-28 12:33:07
Travel lesson
Pupils of the 1st grades with teacher of primary classes Tergeubaeva Kulpan Amanovna conducted the excursion to the town alley “Astana” on 27.04.2015. The aim: to up bring children’s love to Motherland, and also to up bring the love to their native land.  

"Be careful!"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-04-27 06:53:16
As part of the month of road safety, "Be careful!" 22/04/2015 young inspectors of our school number 15 "Young patrol" together with the senior traffic police inspector Beginbaev Bekzat Tіlektesovich went on raids.During the raid on the streets identified drivers who do not use special child restraints and seat belts.Pupils remind passers-by about traffic rules, drivers distri...

In the CSE “School-lyceum №15 of Balkhash” mini center “Tanshuak” annually in the April month conducted environmental action. Within the action made booklets about different plants and indoor plants

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-04-22 09:27:36
In the CSE “School-lyceum №15 of Balkhash” mini center “Tanshuak” annually in the  April month conducted environmental action. Within the action made booklets about different plants and indoor plants
In the CSE “School-lyceum №15of Balkhash” mini center “Tanshuak” annually in the  April month conductedenvironmental action. Within the action made booklets about different plants and indoor plants. Also in this action actively participated parents. Parents shared their experience about plant cultivation and seed varieties. The action will conti...


Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-04-20 11:25:26
From 13to 17 April 2015 in the city of Moscow has passed All-Russian Research contest on natural and humanitarian sciences behalf of V.I.Vernadskogo.Nash the pupil of 11 And class Omirbaev Abylaikhan took part in the prestigious competition and was awarded the certificate of the international sample. In competition was attended by over 1000 disciples from 65 countries.  

Information about the local project "I choose the profession" among students in grades 9-10 schools in the city as part of "the 20th anniversary of People's Assembly of the Republic of Kazakhstan".

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-04-18 15:14:10
Information about the local project
The purpose: to help high school to make informed choices profession, the development process of the project activity research skills. Students Asset Class 9B Kyzgaldak and 8Ә class Myrzahanuly Alikhan announced the open call for proposals and invited all participants to the stage to select the serial number. At the grand opening words of greeting addressed to the audience of school-lyceum №15 D...

Information aboutgeneral regional Saturday

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-04-18 09:04:26
Information aboutgeneral regional Saturday
In the  18th of  April was general regional Saturday  which was attended by pupils from 5 to 10 classes, teachers and support staff, media and assistant educator mini center. All members of them  cleaned the school grounds, have whitewashed curbs, have cleaned weeds, have cleaned of sports fields.

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