
Жаз ханшайымы-2015

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-06-17 08:01:20
Жаз  ханшайымы-2015
17.06.2015 in our preschool camp Baldauren" was a traditional contest "Жаз  ханшайымы-2015". Event goal: to develop children's creativity, thoughtfulness, thinking. At the competition, the participants demonstrated carton model number b beautiful outfits. And there were separate logical tasks with which they coped. According to the results of the contest the winners of th...

Сән -2015

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-06-16 10:37:03
Сән -2015
June 15 preschool camp Baldauren" held a competition "Сән -2015". At the competition, the participants demonstrated a model made with your own hands, ispolzovat the materials at hand. And there were separate logical tasks with which they coped. The winners are:         Grand Prix-Altynbekova Ainur 1st place: Akbaeva  Daiana 2nd place: Cusenbaev...

book fair

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-06-16 10:32:11
book fair
for students of  1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10 grades was organized "book fair". At the fairit was sold 40 books in the amount of  14.230 tenge. Parents were informed and they offered the best prices on books.

Қымбатты 4,5,6,11 сынып оқушылары ата-аналары!

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-06-13 04:33:01
Қазіргі таңда оқулық өзекті мәселеге айналып тұр. Оқулығы толық болмаған  оқушыда қандай білім болатындығын өздеріңіз білесіздер. Сондықтан  Қазақстан Республикасы  Білім және ғылым министрінің 2014жылғы  10 желтоқсандағы                       №515 бұйрығының 1-қ...

Information on the event dedicated to the International Children's Day.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-06-01 10:28:18
Information on the event dedicated to the International Children's Day.
Objective: Create an atmosphere of joy and celebration, to show the children how much they are loved, needed and unique in this world.   01.06.2015g. a solemn line to the International Children's Day. On the feast of the children came with a mini-center "Tanshuak “ and parents.Welcome speech for the opening of the wellness summer camp "Baldfuren" was given Direc...

During the summer school holidays

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-05-30 07:54:46
During the summer school holidays
In order to ensure the safety of children during the summer school holidays , to realize the interests and needs , it is interesting and useful to spend your free time , targeting parents of a fruitful cooperation with the school for parents 29.05.2015 pupils of 5-8 classes held parent-teacher meeting .    

Нұрлы білім

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-05-30 07:51:05
Нұрлы білім
28/05/2015 in order to prevent extremism and terrorism among minors in the Palace of Schoolchildren held a meeting with students of 9 classes by  " NurlyBilim "  

Information about the celebrations, dedicated to the celebration of "Last call!"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-05-27 04:08:06
Information about the celebrations, dedicated to the celebration of
Objective: To summarize the results of study of graduates of 11 classes.   Colorful celebration last call began on May 25 in 10 hours. The ceremony was attended by chief of the department of culture and language development of Balkhash town Aynur Ieshkyzy Ashimzhanova, Methodist education department Kulash Kayrkenkyzy Ainabekova, "Honorary Citizen" of the city of Balkhash, excel...

On May 21, at the school - lyceum № 15 on the results of the 2014-15 school year was held the traditional annual VII forum of winners "Intellectuals - the country's future".

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-05-25 09:15:11
On May 21, at the school - lyceum № 15 on the results of the 2014-15 school year was held the traditional annual VII forum of winners
On May 21, at the school - lyceum № 15 on the results of the 2014-15 school year was held the traditional annual VII forum of winners "Intellectuals - the country's future". The forum consisted of three stages: Stage 1 - rewarding teachers whose pupils have won the Olympiads, the competition of research projects of international, regional levels.   №...

Қош бол, даярлығым

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-05-25 06:34:27
Қош бол, даярлығым
On 22.05.2015 y in the CSE «school-lyceum №15»between pre-school groups conducted morning performance on the theme «Қош бол, даярлығым». The children danced, sang a song and played different games. The Princess of and clown knowledge came to visit. Beisenbay Fariza«Ертегілер», 1-groupAmantay Shansiya   «Анашым қартаймашы, 4-groupNesipbayMolder&...

On May 16, at school-lyceum №15 was held ІҮ scientific-practical conference on the theme: "Professional development of teachers: partnership, innovation and prospects".

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-05-22 04:37:58
On May 16, at school-lyceum №15 was held ІҮ scientific-practical conference on the theme:
On May 16,at school-lyceum №15 was held ІҮ scientific-practical conference on the theme: "Professional development of teachers: partnership, innovation and prospects".

"The best... -2015"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-05-19 10:16:35
05/18/2015 in the city gymnasium was a competition "The best teacher -2015." According to the results of the competition of primary school teachers in our school -litseya SH.T. Zhakupova  awarded the Diploma of I degree.

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