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Сity competition "Шашекемдей саңқылдап"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-11-03 06:42:57
Сity competition
10.29.2015 held city competition "Шашекемдей саңқылдап" organized by the city library "Syrlas." The competition was attended by 10 students of "A" class of our school-lyceum Jamel Ernұr, Seytkamal Nazerke, Bayantaeva Anel, Kaduahit Daryn, Marlene, which showed good knowledge and artistic skills. As a result, the I took place. Congratulations!

The international project "Mathematics without borders" began in new 2015-16 school year.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-10-31 03:18:58
On October, 20 the scientific and practical conference "Greates scientists " took place at school. Teachers made the pupils acknowledge with scientific works of J.S. Akylbayev. Also they talked about the roll of science in the modern world. And the pupils  defended scientific projects in English. After the conferencethe teacher of physics A.S. Meyrbekova and young professional tea...

The Republican campaign "give warmth to children"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-10-30 06:31:32
The Republican campaign
In the"School-Lyceum №15 of Balkhash town" in the framework of the Republican campaign "give warmth to children" on 29 October, a seminar was held "Жылы жүрек - жақсы тілек". Goal celebrations — an expression of gratitude to the families who have taken on the upbringing of a child, encouraging those people for whom other people's children and others misfor...

Intellectual competition "Ancestral Heritage - property of the people"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-10-29 09:27:46
Intellectual competition
10.28.2015 was held in the city museum intellectual competition "Ancestral Heritage - property of the people." The student class of our schkoly 9Ә lyceum Myrzahanuly Alihan made in the image of Abay.

From the 21 to 24 of October held a regional competitions in city Temirtau on kickboxing

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-10-28 12:23:49
 From the 21 to 24 of October held a regional competitions in city Temirtau on kickboxing
From the 21 to 24 of October held a regional competitions in city Temirtau on kickboxing, which were organized by the department of physical culture and sports of city Karaganda. In the competition was attended by pupils of class 9 “A” school-lyceum №15: Muzdybaev Miras –I place, Boranbayuly Ayan - 2nd place, Amantay Temirlan - 3rd place, Sarsenov Damir - 3rd place. Muzdybaev M...

"Nazarbayev Intellectual School" of Karaganda regional training workshop was held to exchange experiences

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-10-28 11:50:42
10.26.2015 on the basis of the "Nazarbayev Intellectual School" of Karaganda regional training workshop was held to exchange experiences. The seminar was attended by teachers and heads of educational institutions of Karaganda region. The workshop was attended by representatives of our school-lyceum. The seminar program was intense.

International day of Tourism

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-10-24 13:08:09
 International  day of Tourism
The 23d of October in school №1took an event of passage to the International  day of Tourism.  Pupils of  8 "A" and 5 " Ә " took part. It was interesting and first they took  1 place.

1 to identify the general orientation of knowledge about the environment

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-10-24 02:34:40
 1 to identify the general orientation of knowledge  about the environment
Survey was conducted among students in grades 1 to identify the general orientation of knowledge about the environment. 12 students at a high level, 60 students on average , 26 students at a low level answered questions.

Test was conducted "Draw a picture " in order to determine the level of perception

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-10-24 02:28:38
 Test was conducted
In October among the students of the first grade test was conducted "Draw a picture " in order to determine the level of perception.           At a high level said 94 students , with an average of 5 students , students with low suppressed from the destination .

Information on the results of the elections

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-10-24 02:16:45
Information on the results of the elections
The main purpose of the student government is to team with the school organized a variety of activities. Organization of school self-government begins with the creative, postroinymi active groups of seniors council. By this reason, our school in 2015 on October 14 elections were active members, deputies of Maslikhat of children and the school. This year has been a feature of elections that the...

The Book of the source of knowledge" which made the young

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-10-17 07:04:11
The Book of the source of knowledge
ON 15th October with the participation of children in primary school were held literary and educational activities, "The Book of the source of knowledge" which made the young. Organizers correspondents librarians and school-lyceum. Presenters spoke about the role of books in our lives, the disciples 2 "Ә" 2 "A" 2 "B" and 5th grades prepared in three langua...

Қазақстан Республикасында тұлғаның рухани-адамгершілік тәрбиесін дамыту стратегиясы» тақырыбында онлайн режимінде әдістемелік семинар

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-10-16 11:20:55
Қазақстан Республикасында тұлғаның рухани-адамгершілік тәрбиесін дамыту стратегиясы» тақырыбында онлайн режимінде әдістемелік семинар
10/15/2015, at school-lyceum №15 in the online mode, held seminar "Strategy of development of moral and spiritual education of the individual in the Republic of Kazakhstan", organized by the Centre under the plan professional development of teachers Balkhash region, branch of   Karaganda region. The purpose of the seminar: the definition of the implementation of the updated...

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