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On 16 of March 2017y.school lyceum №15 at mini center «Таңшуақ» was an event «Қош келдің,Наурыз!» at the elder group «Раушан» and middle group «Түймедақ».

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-03-16 08:39:42
On 16 of March 2017y.school lyceum №15 at mini center «Таңшуақ» was an event «Қош келдің,Наурыз!» at the elder group «Раушан» and middle group «Түймедақ».
On 16 of March 2017y.school lyceum №15 at mini center «Таңшуақ»was an event «Қош келдің,Наурыз!» at the elder group «Раушан»and middle group «Түймедақ». Children played different national games, showed national traditions tell the poems, danced.

On 15 of March at school lyceum №15 mini center «Таңшуақ» was an entertainment «Ұлттық ойындар – халық мұрасы» in the junior group «Қызғалдақ».

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-03-16 08:32:14
On 15 of March at school lyceum №15 mini center «Таңшуақ» was an entertainment  «Ұлттық ойындар – халық мұрасы» in the junior group «Қызғалдақ».
On 15 of March at school lyceum №15mini center «Таңшуақ»was an entertainment  «Ұлттық ойындар – халық мұрасы» in the junior group «Қызғалдақ». Children played traditional Kazakh games such as: «Қыз қуу», «Ханталапай», «Теңге алу», «Арқан тартыс», «Күш сынасу». Then children played, sang a s...

«Мәңгілік Ел» жалпыұлтты идеясын «Көшбасшылар мектебі» арқылы насихаттаудың жұмыс формаларын көрсету мақсатында «Мұғалім көшбасшылығынан оқушы көшбасшылығына» атты №4 семинар өткізілді.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-03-14 10:01:34
«Мәңгілік Ел» жалпыұлтты идеясын «Көшбасшылар мектебі» арқылы насихаттаудың жұмыс формаларын көрсету мақсатында «Мұғалім көшбасшылығынан оқушы көшбасшылығына» атты №4 семинар өткізілді.
In the urban workshop was attended by coordinators of urban schools, responsible teachers and school leaders. In part 1 the Director of school-Lyceum №15 Dubirbekova K. sh., spoke on "Man cssasklan okushy cssasklan" and announced the sequence of the educational process. In part 2 of the seminar, students NIS propagate the idea of "Mangilik YEL" using research projects "S...

"Journey into the world of chemistry."

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-03-14 09:54:05
13 March 2017 among colleges to strengthen partnerships in the framework of vocational guidance in the Polytechnic College of Corporation "Kazakhmys" course "Mineral, analista technicians", with the pupils of 7th classes, was held the event "Chemistry lemne Sayakhat" . The event was attended by representatives of Corporation "Kazakhmys", the school adminis...

9 March 2017 hosted a day school on the theme "Blend eating mangilik El Mangilik El - Uly Dala urpaktary" development of high spiritual values.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-03-11 05:12:54
9 March 2017 hosted a day school on the theme
9 March 2017 hosted a day school on the theme "Blend eating mangilik El Mangilik El - Uly Dala urpaktary" development of high spiritual values. Guests met the young patriots of the "School of leadership", the propaganda team of "Zhas Ulan" acquainted with the symbols of the school-Lyceum. Was presented of the work carried out in 5 areas, as well as the achievements...

Information about the event on the novel B. Sokpakbaev "Balalyқ shaққa sayakhat" held within the "aymaқ bir-bir kitap"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-03-03 12:34:12
Information about the event on the novel B. Sokpakbaev
03. 03. 2017 school-lyceum № 15 of the city of Balkhash took oral magazine among pupils of 5-7 classes on the theme "Balalyқ shaққa sayakhat" B. Sokpakbaev organized by the teachers of the Kazakh language and literature Saparova G.B, Tazhkeeva SM The purpose of this event was to acquaint students with the biography and works of B.Sokpakbaeva and show the students interest in reading bo...

On 3 March was a competitions ``Бабушка и внук``.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-03-03 11:05:27
On 3 March was a competitions ``Бабушка и внук``.
On 3 March was a competitions ``Бабушкаивнук``. In this groups took parts girls from preparatory groups with their grandmothers.At the end the competitions they`ve  got diplomas in different nominations

On 2 March 2017y at mini-center «Таңшуақ» was a competition «Әдемі де әдепті арулар» in the elder group «Раушан».

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-03-03 10:42:15
On 2 March 2017y at mini-center «Таңшуақ»  was a competition «Әдемі де әдепті арулар» in the elder group «Раушан».
On 2 March 2017y at mini-center «Таңшуақ»  was a competition «Әдемі де әдепті арулар»in the elder group «Раушан».The competition  included 5 parts. Girls took parts with your parents. They introduced themselves with slides, dance, answered the questions, showed their handmade dresses.

In a mini-center "Таңшуақ" 2 - the event for mothers, devoted to the holiday of March, 8, was March conducted.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-03-03 10:08:34
In a mini-center
On 2 March 2017y at mini-center «Таңшуақ»  was an entertainment  in the younger group «Қызғалдақ». In the middle group was a matinee «АНА! – деп ән саламын!». Children danced, tall the poems, sang a song.

17 Feb 2017 the school of "Nazarbayev intellectual school" held a training seminar on the theme "Semenawi school kitaphanalary - Yermasoyia and setcalc lady ortalygy" on libraries in urban schools.

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-03-03 07:55:07
17 Feb 2017 the school of
17 Feb 2017 the school of "Nazarbayev intellectual school" held a training seminar on the theme "Semenawi school kitaphanalary - Yermasoyia and setcalc lady ortalygy" on libraries in urban schools.

From 21 to 23 February 2017 held a Patriotic forum"We - El Elden lausier, Uly Dala catalysis"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-03-03 07:53:52
From 21 to 23 February 2017 held a Patriotic forum
From 21 to 23 February 2017 held a Patriotic forum"We - El Elden lausier, Uly Dala catalysis", which aims to raise the sense of patriotism among the youth, to respect the independence of countries. The forum was attended by leaders of the 300 schools, heads, parents and 200 pupils.

February 27, 2017 in the framework of patriotism and public presentation of the main trends, get acquainted with religious atmosphere, as well as the development of religious dialogue in a school-lyceum №15 has passed a meeting with pupils of 7-9 classes

Category: NEWS
Date: 2017-02-28 01:48:35
February 27, 2017 in the framework of patriotism and public presentation of the main trends, get acquainted with religious atmosphere, as well as the development of religious dialogue in a school-lyceum №15 has passed a meeting with pupils of 7-9 classes
February 27, 2017 in the framework of patriotism and public presentation of the main trends, get acquainted with religious atmosphere, as well as the development of religious dialogue in a school-lyceum №15 has passed a meeting with pupils of 7-9 classes on the theme "Dіn toleranttylyқ қaғidalary- patriotism beybіtshіlіk zhane ruhani kelіsіm ". As part of the information group: B.S.Bey...

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