
"the Latin alphabet-the choice of the future"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2019-11-11 12:11:35
As part of the social project "the Latin alphabet-the choice of the future" on November 9, 2019 in KSU "school-Lyceum No. 15 named after Alikhan Bukeikhanov" was held a city dictation based on the Latin alphabet among students in grades 10-11.

«Зорлық зомбылықсыз балалық шақ»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2019-11-11 12:05:32
«Зорлық зомбылықсыз балалық шақ»
Елімізде салауатты өмір салтына қол жеткізуде, денсаулықты сақтау мен нығайтудағы басты міндеттің бірі – бала құқығын қорғау, зорлық-зомбылыққа қарсы күрес жүргізу.Балаларға қамқорлық жасау, баланың абыройы мен құқықтарын құрметтеу – бұл тек мемлекеттің ғана емес, сонымен қатар жекелеген әрбір адамның, отбасының міндеті.Осы мақсатта Оқушылар сарайында өткен «Зорлық зомбылықсыз...

«І Республикалық Stem олимпиада»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2019-11-05 09:30:40
«І Республикалық Stem олимпиада»
  From November 1 to November 1, the I Republican Stem Olympiad was organized by Innovations, Nazarbaev University, STEM Academia, Bilim Bery, Kazinterservis, Ak cent MICROSYSTEMS, Astana Daryny, OKOO. 140 teams from all cities of the Republic, 500 pupils took part in the Olympiad. To test their knowledge in the competition of knowledge, 9 "A" class Amanzholov Ualikhan, 10 "...

"Jańa emle jáńe oqytýdyń ádıstemelik maseleleri"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2019-11-04 12:31:01
Qaraǵandy oblysynyń tilderdi damyty jónindegi basqarmasynyń uıymdastyrýymen ótkizilgen kýrsqa mektebimizden 5 muǵalim qatysty. Resýrstyq til ortalyǵy tarapynan uıymdastyrylǵan "Jańa emle jáńe oqytýdyń ádıstemelik maseleleri" taqyrybyndaǵy 18 saǵattyq kýrsqa qatysylardyń barlyǵyna sertıfıkat berildi.

"XXI ғасыр дағдылары: Қазақстанның білім саласындағы заманауи ағымдары"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2019-11-04 12:28:36
Inter Press Distribution, jointly with Oxford University, held an international conference on "Skills for the 21st Century: Contemporary Knowledge in Kazakhstan's Education".The conference discussed the role of the English language teacher in the education system, the role of the updated program in the development of critical skills in the 21st century, methodological innovations i...

«ШОҚЖҰЛДЫЗ XI» фестивалі

Category: NEWS
Date: 2019-11-04 12:21:07
«ШОҚЖҰЛДЫЗ XI» фестивалі
For the purpose of effective organization of autumn leisure of pupils and strengthening of work with parents, traditional school-lyceum children's creativity "MUSHUNDY XI" was held among 1-7 grade pupils. Participants demonstrated their talents with their parents and classmates. Young singers of Motherland,parents, father-in-law, songwriters, and poets. The festival...

"Болашақ-біздің қолымызда"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2019-11-04 11:32:01
Tynybayev Rasul, 9 "A" class pupil of the school-lyceum took part in the city video clip "Future is at our hands" in order to implement the program "Youth - Future of Kazakhstan". Head of Computer Science Aytimbetova EK


Category: NEWS
Date: 2019-11-01 09:16:32
"OUR FRIENDSHIP"psychological training. The purpose of the training is to provide a psychologically self-helping attitude to a happy life, to communicate in a personality, to communicate effectively, to communicate in a spirit of friendship, unity, solidarity, loyalty, and goodness, by explaining that there is no great value in life.

«Сабақты нәтижелі жоспарлау- табысты сабақ кепілі»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2019-11-01 09:11:05
«Сабақты нәтижелі жоспарлау- табысты сабақ кепілі»
  Teachers of elementary school Zhumanova G. on the subject "Effective Lesson - Successful Lesson Guarantee" to explain to teachers about the importance of planning effective lesson,to demonstrate short-term plans of new lessons. M., Kutzhanova А.М. organized a training workshop for young professionals.

"Autumn miracle"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2019-10-30 11:23:08
Creative event "Autumn miracle" took place. Students picked out pictures of Abai Kunanbayev's "Autumn" poem, found poems and depicted the autumn features of the paintings.

"My favorite city, Balkhash!"

Category: NEWS
Date: 2019-10-30 11:00:57
"My favorite city, Balkhash!" Kairatov Kusainov Ramazan, 7th grade student took 1st place.

«Мектеп әлемін өзгертетін ұстаздар»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2019-10-29 09:16:31
«Мектеп әлемін өзгертетін ұстаздар»
In Nur-Sultan, our colleagues visited our XI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Aiming at Changing the School World" in AEO "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools".More than two thousand teachers from all over the world gathered at the collegium. Among them are teachers from different regions of Kazakhstan, scientists, heads of educational institutions, as well as f...

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