
1st of September "Day of knowledge"

Category: News
Date: 2016-10-04 08:38:42
1st of September
  «Алғашқы  қоңырау»  салтанатты  жиынымыздың  қонағы  Қалалық  Білім  бөлімінің әдіскері Айнұр Нұрмоллақызы Ғабдолла  қатысты.Қонаққа  сөз  беріліп, жас  бүлдіршіндерге  сәттілік  тілей  отырып,  мектеп  табалдырығын алғаш  аттау  рәсімінің  тұсауын  кесті.

On June 2, a mini - center " Balbobek " was a matinee in honor of the Day of the Marks

Category: News
Date: 2016-06-03 06:04:22
On June 2, a mini - center
In " Balbobek " in honor of the symbols was a matinee titled "Ramizderim - maktanyshym " mini - center . The purpose of the event: extensive concept of the motherland, Kaazhstane , his native land. Also give the idea of ​​the symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

May, 31 – Remembrance day of starvation and repression victims

Category: News
Date: 2016-06-02 04:58:12
May, 31 – Remembrance day of starvation and repression victims
It was showing the film about “Kazakh women in Akmola camp for betrayers’ wives” to teachers and students.  Narrator explained the historical date’s meaning. Headmistress of the school Khusmoldinova N. E. explained to students that May, 31 was an especial mourning day for our country and told about events connected with them. Teacher of history Eleubekova M. Z...

May 25 bell rang in 11 classes.

Category: News
Date: 2016-05-27 03:56:31
May 25 bell rang in 11 classes.
   The ground floor and the school assembly hall were decorated on the subject. In the 2015-2016 school year, 36 students out of school.   The last call was attended Methodist City Department of Education Meyirbekova Gulbahram Sagatbekkyzy and 9 teachers veterans.       Word of greeting was given to the school principal Husmoldinova NE...

May 23, 2016 school year, the school was gathering talented children.

Category: News
Date: 2016-05-24 09:01:33
May 23, 2016 school year, the school was gathering talented children.
  May 23, 2016 school year, the school was gathering talented children. Determined Fellows them  S.Seifullin and T.Nurasha.     Fellows from Salen Kulik Inkar, Kuanyshbek Zhanel, Muchamedzhanova Altynai, Orazkhan Gulim, Toleuchan Bauyrzhan, Eleusyzbaeva Nazerke. Fellows from T.Nurash steel Kopbay Ayaulym, Nurzhankyzy Torgyn, Karibzhanova Talshyn.

April 30 Schoolchildren's Palace organized including standouts 4 classes in the ranks of the party " Zhas Ulan " .

Category: News
Date: 2016-05-10 05:41:20
April 30 Schoolchildren's Palace organized including standouts 4 classes in the ranks of the party
April 30 Schoolchildren's Palace organized including standouts 4 classes in the ranks of the party " Zhas Ulan " . With our school participated excellent student 4 Class "A" , the participant of public events , intellectual marathons and the winner of the Olympic Games Kulik Іnkar , and was accepted into the party " Zhas Ulan " .

The " Flag Holders " school-gymnasium №7 named after Saken Seifullin was May 9 at the monument " Eternal Flame" in our city.

Category: News
Date: 2016-05-10 05:30:29
The " Flag Holders " school-gymnasium №7 named after Saken Seifullin was May 9 at the monument " Eternal Flame" in our city.

Daryndy balalarga - talantty Ustaz

Category: News
Date: 2016-05-10 04:11:52
Daryndy balalarga - talantty Ustaz
May 3-4, was the Republican Pedagogical competition " Daryndy balalarғa - talantty ustaz" among school students, student's where our team got the award for the category "Best creative person ."

05.03.2016 was held city HҮІІІ rally

Category: News
Date: 2016-05-04 06:47:15
 05.03.2016 was held city HҮІІІ rally
05.03.2016 was held city HҮІІІ gathering YDI where our team took second place. In this competition Hanzharova Aigerim was nominated "Uzdik bilimder"

26/04/2016 city's KVN was held

Category: News
Date: 2016-05-04 06:30:50
26/04/2016 city's KVN was held
26/04/2016 city's KVN was held, where she took part and the team of our school, "Saken zhastary". And they took the 3rd place. Congratulations!

"Clean City"

Category: News
Date: 2016-04-25 03:55:22
      In the spring clean- attended 760 students, 35 perpodavateley, 20 household workers. According to the action "Clean City" group "Murager" and "Zhasulan" cleaned 17 districts. Cleaned posted ads on bus stops and shops. 5 school students cleaned around the school. 6 school students cleaned the school garden. Students grades 8-9 cleaned...

20.04.2016 was held a meeting of students in grades 9-11 with a psychologist grammar school Amirbekova KJ on the theme "Promoting anti Interactive dependence".

Category: News
Date: 2016-04-25 03:22:26
20.04.2016 was held a meeting of students in grades 9-11 with a psychologist grammar school Amirbekova KJ on the theme
20.04.2016 was held a meeting of students in grades 9-11 with a psychologist grammar school Amirbekova KJ on the theme "Promoting anti Interactive dependence". The purpose of: to provide information about the safe use of information by students

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