
"Three - dimensional computer modeling" a regional project "Future Engineers"

Category: News
Date: 2018-01-06 13:20:13
       On January 5 2018 organized by the towndepartment of education in school-gymnasium  №7 namedafterSakena Seifullinwas held the towncompetition on "Three - dimensional computer modeling"  a regional project "Future Engineers". The competition was attended by students of the lyceum №2 named after Abay, gymnasium №7. S.Seifullin, School №15 an...

forum "Altyn Bala"

Category: News
Date: 2017-12-24 05:46:11
      On December 21, the city forum "Altyn Bala" was held for gifted children dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the 20th anniversary of the city of Astana. On the forum the student of the 11th class Zhenis Aygerim was awarded with a diploma for her achievements in the field of art and creativity in the nomination "Өresi biik өner&q...

"Engineers of the Future" on the topic "Three-dimensional computer modeling".

Category: News
Date: 2017-12-21 10:08:02
     December 20 2017 at PGI "School-gymnasium No. 7 named after S.Seifullin" held a town seminar on the course "Engineers of the Future" on the topic "Three-dimensional computer modeling." Teachers of computer science and technology of town schools participated in the seminar. The purpose of the seminar: to introduce teachers to the PTC Creo Pa...

"Writing of merged words"

Category: News
Date: 2017-12-14 03:41:48
      13.12.2017 at the "Saken Seifullin Gymnasium" was a master class, with the goal of sharing experience and knowledge with the participation of the 4 "B" class. Master Class Theme: "Writing of merged words".


Category: News
Date: 2017-12-12 02:36:30
      11/12/2017. a solemn meeting was held dedicated to the 20th anniversary of our capital Astana on the topic "Toujelsizdiktivzhemis-Astana". Solemnmeetingwasopenedbystudentsofthe 7th grade, theleaderofAzimbekov K.T. Itwasattendedbyteachersandpupilsofgrades 1-11. StudentstoldaboutthehistoryofAstana, abouttheimportantpoliticalroleoftheheadofstateintheformationofthecity...

The subject was conducate with the conbentjf up grade education.

Category: News
Date: 2017-12-06 02:17:01
The subject was conducate with the conbentjf up grade education.
        The day of the 30 th  of November the sound of class was open lesson  of  the Kazakh language. The subject was conducate with the conbentjf up grade education.  Class leader Kaschkinbaeva N.

"Elbasy – Eldin they"

Category: News
Date: 2017-12-05 03:31:19
       November 30 in the school gymnasium №7 was held a solemn event on the theme "Elbasy – Eldin they ". It was shown a video about the life and activities of the President. Further, the Director of the school congratulated everyone on the holiday and with a victory in city competitions on chess. The winning team was awarded by Cup.

"El Zhane Elbasy"

Category: News
Date: 2017-12-05 03:30:14
      29 Nov 5-11 classes of the school were given a lesson "El Zhane Elbasy" dedicated to the life and activities of the First President of our country N.. Nazarbayev.

"Alem tanyan Tulga".

Category: News
Date: 2017-12-05 03:28:05
      November 25, teacher of Kazakh language and literature, Semenova A. M. held a writing competition for grades 5-7. The results were summed up. The winners were awarded. In the library for students in grades 1-4 corner was organized on the theme"Alem tanyan Tulga".

Balapan zholdys

Category: News
Date: 2017-12-05 03:26:38
Balapan zholdys
       In the school-gymnasium No. 7 named after S.Seifullin within the framework of the spiritual revival program, in order to identify new talents and artists with new names in the age-balapan zholdys. "Youngperformersoyagledtheirspeeches. 25 contendersandspectatorsparticipated.

Thank you letter

Category: News
Date: 2017-12-05 03:22:10
Thank you letter
         The Republican intellectual center - the "IQ" conducted kokursy drawing and writing. In this competition took an active part students KSU "School №7 them. Saken Seifullin" under the guidance of a teacher of Russian language and literature of G. B. Umbetzhanova 12 students won prizes awarding of diplomas. Congratulations!

25th November at No. 7 school gymnasium named after S. Seifullin was held draughts tournament among students grades 1-6.

Category: News
Date: 2017-12-05 03:19:37
25th November at No. 7 school gymnasium named after S. Seifullin was held draughts tournament among students grades 1-6.
    25th November at No. 7 school gymnasium named after S. Seifullin was held draughts tournament among students grades 1-6. The competition in checkers held a primary school teacher Aiman Isabaeva Tursybekova.

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