"180 years since the birth of I. Altynsarin, an individual teacher of the steppe"
15-11-2021 15:25
From October 25 to October 29, educational organizations of the Karaganda region will host  In honor of the 30th anniversary and 180th anniversary of Ibray Altynsarin, an action was held "...
"A brilliant teacher-Ybyray”
15-11-2021 15:20
28.10.2021 Dedicated to the 180th anniversary of Ibrai Altynsarin "Come on, guys, learn! within a Week” Kemenger ustaz - Ybyrray " among the pre-school classes conducted a tour of th...
"Боламын ақын Қасым әлі де мен, Өлеңін бөбегіндей әлдилеген"
15-11-2021 15:13
The Educational and Methodological Center for the development of education of the Karaganda region in honor of the 110th anniversary of the birth of the Kazakh, Khasyn poet Kasym Amanzholov held a rea...
"A good habit is the most expensive"
15-11-2021 15:08
13.10.2021 As part of the Week of Aesthetic Disciplines "journey into the world of masters ", members of the library Council, students of the 11th "A" class organized a poster, a...
"Bulletin of History"
15-11-2021 15:00
08.10.21. within the framework of the History Week, students of grades 5-7 took part in the contest of electronic newspapers "Bulletin of History". The 5th grade students showed special acti...
"Journey into the world of books"
15-11-2021 14:27
"Journey into the world of books"    08.10.2021 within the framework of the Week of Historical Literacy "in the stream of history" in order to increase the interest o...
"Take care of the school textbook!"
15-11-2021 14:14
"Take care of the school textbook!"
Қазақ тілі 6 сынып
15-11-2021 10:01
Қазақ тілі 6 сынып
Митоз мейоздың көбею жолдары
15-11-2021 09:54
БИОЛОГИЯ Митоз мейоздың көбею жолдары
Қосарлы ұрықтану
12-11-2021 11:02
БИОЛОГИЯ 7 СЫНЫП Қосарлы ұрықтану
Генетикалық есептерді шығару
12-11-2021 10:56
БИОЛОГИЯ Генетикалық есептерді шығару
"Informatization of the school library"
11-11-2021 14:08
29.09.2021 The Department of Education of the Karaganda region and the educational and Methodological Center for the Development of education of the Karaganda region held an online meeting on the to...