1maps – Thanksgiving
06-03-2019 15:16
1maps – Thanksgiving
      1 maps - Thanksgiving. This is a great holiday for all Kazakhstani people, a mammoth live album. In the city celebrations and school-gymnasium №7, which prepared the exhibition in...
"Alisys ait bіleіk"
27-02-2019 15:44
"Alisys ait bіleіk"
"Magіlіk el"
27-02-2019 15:36
"Magіlіk el"
"Mauta yz ben capes"
20-02-2019 10:45
       "Mauta yz ben capes" Remembering the fairy tale "Mauta Kyz ben capes", their interest in fairy tales increases. On February 15, an open lesson on the fai...
“Anniversary Time”
20-02-2019 10:22
“Anniversary Time”
        At the information time “Anniversary Time”, pupils of 7 “D” class number 7 of the school - Saken Seifullin Gymnasium visited No. 3 branch of the lib...
“Maintain a healthy lifestyle”.
18-02-2019 16:19
“Maintain a healthy lifestyle”.
         On February 18, 2019, students in grades 2, 9 were given lectures on the theme “Maintain a healthy lifestyle.”
The Opening Ceremony of the Foreign Language Week
11-02-2019 15:26
The Opening Ceremony of the Foreign Language Week
         The opening ceremony of the Foreign Language Week was a festive event. This week all teachers of the Russian and English were participated. The meeting was attended b...
“Cleanliness is a guarantee of health”
11-02-2019 10:40
“Cleanliness is a guarantee of health”
February 11, 2019 in the mini-center "Balbөbek" of the school - gymnasium № 7 named after S. Seifullin, a nurse conducted a test of the pupils' cleanliness. The nurse conducted explanato...
Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan From
11-02-2019 10:19
Ministry of  Education and Science of the Republic of  Kazakhstan From
January 10 to February 10, 2019, the traditional republican campaign "Kamkorlyk" is held in all educational institutions of the country.        The aim of the...
Traditional event "The Best Reader of the Year", organized by the library branch №3
11-02-2019 00:30
Traditional event
The readers of our school, Y. Esenova, Kopbaeva G., Abentai D., Tanirbergen D., Abdikarimova A., actively participated in the traditional event "The Best Reader of the Year", organized by th...
Opening ceremony of 10 days of "Self-knowledge" discipline
11-02-2019 00:28
 Opening ceremony of 10 days of
The opening ceremony of the 10-day disciplines "Self-knowledge" was held to improve the spiritual education of the human being. This discipline plays a special role in bringing up a worthy t...
Congratulations on your victory!
11-02-2019 00:23
 Congratulations on your victory!
Today, on February 7, a student of class 9 “A” of Esenov Balnur took the II place in the nomination “Essay to Glory” at the regional stage of the republican competition “...