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Қазақстанның ресми сайттары

Дата: 2012-03-02 07:02:23

Қазақстанның ресми сайттары

www..president.kz – The official website of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

www..government.kz – The Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan

www..edu.gov.kz –The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

www..mfa.kz– The Ministry of Foreign Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan

www..mod.kz – The Ministry of State Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan

www..mvd.kz– The Ministry of Internal Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan

www..mz.gov.kz– The Ministry of Public Health Care of the Republic of Kazakhstan

www.nature.kz – The Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan

www..minagri.kz – The Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan

www..mtk.gov.kz – The Ministry of Transport and Communication of the Republic of Kazakhstan

www..enbek.kz – The Ministry of Labour and People Social Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan

www..minfin.kz – The Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan

www..salyk.kz – The State Tax Administration

www..nationalbank.kz – The National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan

www..keden.kz – The Customs System of the Republic of Kazakhstan

www..knb.kz – The National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan

www..stat.kz – The sports and Tourism Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan

www..zakon.kz – The Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan

www..minjust.kz – The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Автор: №7 МГ