Action " Road to school"

Category: Section of social pedagogue
Date: 2019-09-10 09:08:13
Information about the work of municipal state institutions "school-boarding General type of Balkhash town" by the action "Road to school" Shop "Caravan" has acquired a full school wear, sportswear, shoes. 10 kids fully clothed. Each child is dressed for 20 thousand tenge, only 200 thousand tenge. Individual entrepreneur S. Tursynov covered teaching AIDS 10 children....

Of the Board of Trustees of September 2, 2019

Category: Board of guardians
Date: 2019-09-04 11:29:35
Of the Board of Trustees of September 2, 2019
PROTOCOL No. 1   meetings of the Board of Trustees of September 2, 2019                                        There were: 14 people.                                      Invitee:  ...

Republican subject Olympiad in Informatics

Category: our achievements
Date: 2019-05-25 10:11:10
Republican subject Olympiad in Informatics
The results of the Republican subject Olympiad in Informatics, which was held in 2 rounds, where the student of 5 "B" class of KSU "General boarding school of General - type city Balkhash" Egemberdiev Alisher took 1st place in the district. Director: J. B. Merekenov teacher moderator

Graduates of the 9 "B" class of 2018-2019.

Category: Our graduate
Date: 2019-05-25 09:49:22
Graduates of the 9
Graduates of the 9 "B" class of 2018-2019.

"Charity begins with you and me»

Category: Section of social pedagogue
Date: 2019-05-10 12:03:35
06.05.19. the festive event" Mercy begins with me and with you"was held. With students in grades 8-9 on a 10-minute call "hurry up to do good!""a flashmob Dance was performed. From 1 to 4 classes an exhibition of drawings on the theme" kindness"," mercy"was organized. During the year, were awarded a letter of thanks to parents who assisted in obtainin...

Diagnostics of intellectual development

Category: Social section
Date: 2019-05-10 11:47:55
Diagnostics of intellectual development
6 may 2019 in the municipal state institutions "school – boarding General type of Balkhash town" the school psychologist was held diagnostics of intellectual development of 9th grade. 11 students took part.

Diagnostics of intellectual development

Category: Social section
Date: 2019-05-02 13:26:01
Diagnostics of intellectual development
29 April 2019 in the municipal state institutions "school – boarding General type of Balkhash town" psychologists of the school was carried out diagnostics of intellectual development of 8 classes.   Took part 23 students.

"Safe summer»

Category: Section of social pedagogue
Date: 2019-04-25 13:05:17
"Safe summer» Holidays are a time when most children are not under the constant supervision of adults. During this period, the guys spend a lot of time on the street. Therefore, during this period it is necessary to remind adults about the rules of behavior during the summer holidays. With the students were interviewed on the rules of fire safety on roads, ponds, roads. On the c...

diagnosis "House.Tree.Man»

Category: Social section
Date: 2019-04-24 11:38:10
23 April 2019 at KSU "ESSID" held diagnostics "House.Tree.Man" with children who are at risk.  The diagnosis was attended by 3 students.

The international intellectual competition "Pony»

Category: our achievements
Date: 2019-04-19 12:18:57
The international intellectual competition
Students in grades 1-4 KSU "Secondary school – boarding General type of Balkhash town" attended the international intellectual competition "Pony"! There were 10 students. And were awarded certificates!

Presence or absence of violence

Category: Section of social pedagogue
Date: 2019-04-18 13:23:16
Presence or absence of violence
Date of the survey 08.04.2009-15.04.2009 The survey was attended by students 6-7-8 classes. The results of the survey of students to study the presence or absence of violence among students. The purpose of the survey:to provide information about violence and extortion, to tell that the person is the worst property.Purpose: to educate students a sense of patriotism, love for the Motherland,...

"Safe life"

Category: Social section
Date: 2019-04-16 09:44:28
April 15, 2019 psychologists and health workers of the school conducted a survey "Safe life" among students of 8 classes. The diagnosis was attended by 21 students.

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