Қорытынды мемлекеттік аттестаттау

2022 жылдың 7 ақпанында 4-сыныпта "Экологиялық саяхат" тақырыбында сынып сағаты өтті.

Category: Educational work
Date: 2022-02-18 10:19:44
2022 жылдың 7 ақпанында 4-сыныпта
2022 жылдың 7 ақпанында 4-сыныпта экологиялық саяхат тақырыбында сынып сағаты өтті.Бойы бойы іс-шаралар балалар станцияларда ойнады 1 станция экологиялық күндер мен мерекелер, 2 Станция - "Кім қалай сөйлейді?" викторинасы, 3 станция-"Зоотеатр" байқауы, 4 станция - "қажет емес заттардың екінші өмірі". Балалар қажетсіз материалдардан пайдалы қолөнер дайындады,соныме...
Author: School №17

Сlass hour

Category: Educational work
Date: 2022-02-18 10:09:44
Сlass hour
On February 7, a class hour on the topic "Cognitive ecology" was held in the 4th grade. homeroom teacher Akopova T.M. There were tasks in the worksheets, there was also a pair work.
Author: School №17

On February 7, 2022, a class hour was held in the 11th grade

Category: Educational work
Date: 2022-02-18 09:59:35
On February 7, 2022, a class hour was held in the 11th grade
The purpose of the class hour in the 11th grade was to help students learn how to build their behavior in nature based on knowledge and an appropriate assessment of the possible consequences of their actions; students learned to realize their moral responsibility for the fate of their native land; during the event, they formed the skills of ecological culture.
Author: School №17

The work of the OFP section

Category: Educational work
Date: 2022-02-18 09:46:21
The work of the OFP section
The work of the OFP section. Cross-country skiing and skating trainings are going according to plan. The head of Kosenkova E.V.   Skiing is of great educational importance: teenagers develop such qualities as will, courage, dexterity, endurance, strength and speed, endurance. Skiing compensates for the insufficient motor activity of modern adolescents, as a result, many diseases are pre...
Author: School №17

Winter Fairy Tale

Category: Educational work
Date: 2022-02-18 09:34:06
Winter Fairy Tale
Everyone knows that winter is a long-awaited and beloved time for children! And for us, the Balkhash people, the snowy winter is especially a joy. The weather pleased us with an abundance of snow and frost. It's no secret that for physical development, strengthening immunity in our time, it is necessary to spend as much time as possible in the fresh air. On January 28, 2022, the students o...
Author: School №17

A meeting was held with the representative of "Adaldyk alany" Daniyar Israilovich

Category: Educational work
Date: 2022-02-16 17:42:55
A meeting was held with the representative of
The formation of anti-corruption standards of behavior of adolescents is carried out purposefully and systematically. A meeting was held with the representative of "Adaldyk alany" Daniyar Israilovich.During the meeting, he explained in detail the causes and consequences of corruption actions, gave several examples for a more accurate acquaintance with the topic, described the need and...
Author: School №17

On 27.01, an online meeting of ministers of the school parliament was held at which modern problems of society and ways to solve them

Category: Educational work
Date: 2022-02-16 17:37:26
On 27.01, an online meeting of ministers of the school parliament was held at which modern problems of society and ways to solve them
On 27.01, an online meeting of ministers of the school parliament was held at which modern problems of society and ways to solve them, namely corruption actions, were discussed. The Minister of Law and Order defended the presentation on the topic "map of corruption offenses". Corruption (from Lat. corrumpere- to corrupt, Lat. corruptio — bribery, corruption, corruption, corruptio...
Author: School №17


Category: Educational work
Date: 2022-02-16 17:28:02
Debates on the topic "The place and role of Kazakhstan on the world stage" with the participation of the 7th grade. High school students acted as a referee and timekeeper, controlled the course of the game. In the process, important topics affecting the achievements of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan were discussed today
Author: School №17

The activists of

Category: Educational work
Date: 2022-02-16 17:21:02
The activists of the school together with members of the school parliament launched this action with an appeal to do good deeds and provide care. The guys helped clear the snow from the road, and the girls poured bread crumbs into bird feeders
Author: School №17

As part of the implementation of the regional project "Zein" and the week of mathematical literacy

Category: Educational work
Date: 2022-02-16 17:16:07
As part of the implementation of the regional project "Zein" and the week of mathematical literacy, English teachers held math minutes "Mathsbeat" in their lessons. Such tasks contribute to the systematization of knowledge, both in mathematics and in English. The guys performed the tasks with interest and presented their works
Author: School №17

Photo contest "Winter fun"

Category: Educational work
Date: 2022-02-16 17:09:00
Photo contest
Photo contest "Winter fun"   Winter is a wonderful and magical time of the year, which enchants with its beauty and landscapes. Students of grades 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7 shared their pastime. Winter fun is so great! In winter, I want to skate and sledge, throw snowballs and make snowmen. Our guys showed how much they love winter holidays, and how they know how to have fun! This co...
Author: School №17

Photo contest "Winter fun"

Category: Educational work
Date: 2022-02-16 16:59:50
Photo contest
Photo contest "Winter fun"   Winter is a wonderful and magical time of the year, which enchants with its beauty and landscapes. Students of grades 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7 shared their pastime. Winter fun is so great! In winter, I want to skate and sledge, throw snowballs and make snowmen. Our guys showed how much they love winter holidays, and how they know how to have fun! This co...
Author: School №17

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