Қорытынды мемлекеттік аттестаттау

On the Approval of the Safety Rules for Water Bodies

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2018-06-01 00:44:14
In accordance with subparagraph 70-4) of paragraph 1 of Article 12 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 11 April 2014 "On Civil Protection", I ORDER:       1. To approve the attached Safety Rules on water bodies.       2. To the Committee for Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Petrov VV) in ac...
Author: School №17

Rules of behavior in nature

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2018-06-01 00:37:29
Rules of behavior in nature
With the onset of heat, people, especially those living in cities, go on vacation in nature. Most often, such pastime can not do without cooking on fire, which can not but create a fire hazard situation in the forest.   Therefore, going on vacation in nature, it is important to observe several rules: During arid and windy weather it is recommended not to kindle bonfires. When prepar...
Author: School №17

Protocol № 4 of the Board of Trustees KSU "School - Lyceum №17 named after VV Mayakovsky, Balkhash town"

Category: Educational work
Date: 2018-05-28 16:08:48
Present:   Director of the school - Lyceum №17 Alisheva Sh.A.   Deputy. Director for the Verkhovna Rada Kusainova N.E.   Chairman of the Board of Trustees Morozov GA   Members of the Board of Trustees (9 people)                                          ...

Secure internet for your children

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2018-04-07 10:09:36
Do your children use the Internet?   Do you want to protect your children:   from scenes of violence and cruelty? from the propaganda of pornography, alcohol and drugs? from information about extremism, suicide, gambling? The service "Parental Control" from Kazakhtelecom will help you in this!      The service is designed to protect your child...
Author: School №17

RULES for using the Internet

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2018-04-07 10:00:13
1. General Provisions 1.1. These Rules for the use of the Internet in KSU Shl-l # 17 regulate the conditions and procedure for using the Internet network by students, pupils, teachers and other employees of KSU Shl-no. 17. 1.2. The rules have the status of a local normative act. If the norms of the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan stipulate other requirements than these Ru...
Author: School №17

The order of enactment of this Law

Category: Normative documents
Date: 2018-04-07 09:55:35
The procedure for enactment of this Law, see Article 21       This Law regulates public relations arising as a result of the realization of the constitutional right of everyone to freely receive and disseminate information by any means not prohibited by law. Article 1. Basic concepts used in this Law       The following basic concepts are used in this Law: &...
Author: School №17

References to Digital Libraries

Category: library
Date: 2018-02-21 09:39:41
свободная библиотека.http:// http:// http://aleria.net/  полнотекстовая библиотека. В электронной библиотеке Вы можете бесплатно скачать книги, справочники, журналы и словари в электронном виде. Для удобства навигации кроме алфавитного каталога авторов доступен также и алфавитный каталог произведений, т.е. можно искать книги по алфавитным спискам. Кроме того, из новых средств упрощающих н...

Electronic libraries of the world

Category: library
Date: 2018-02-21 09:36:03
1. http://www.aldebaran.ru/ - Альдебаран-крупнейшая электронная библиотека on-line- художественная, учебная и техническая литература и книги различных жанров: детективы, фантастика, русская и зарубежная литература, стихи и поэзия, любовные романы, детская литература  2. http://lib.ru/ Библиотека Максима Мошкова  3. http://www.online.ru/sp/eel/russian биб...
Author: School №17

Electronic Libraries

Category: library
Date: 2018-02-21 09:33:25
Казахстанская национальная электронная библиотека  http://www.kazneb.kz Электронная библиотека «Современная литература Казахстана» http://doc.nlrk.kz Электронная библиотека «Казахская классическая литература» http://classic.nlrk.kz...
Author: School №17

Kazakhstan periodicals

Category: library
Date: 2018-02-21 09:31:54
«Егемен Қазақстан» газеті www.egemen.kz «Айқын» республикалық қоғамдық-саяси газеті www.aikyn.kz «Ана тілі» ұлт газеті www.anatili.kz «Түркістан» халықаралық газеті www.turkystan.kz...
Author: School №17

О Попечительском совете

Category: Educational work
Date: 2018-02-08 16:24:47
О Попечительском совете
Author: School №17

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