Ұлы Жеңістің 70 жылдығына арналған «Тағзым саған, Ұлы Жеңіс» атты іс-шаралар жоспары.

Date: 2015-02-14 10:21:38
№ Өтетін іс-шара түрлері Жұмыс түрі Өтілетін күні Өтетін жер Қатасытаны сыныптар 1 «Мектеп және ардагерлер: 70 мерейтойлық сәттер» Облыстық патриоттық акция 9.04-9.05.2015ж  ...

Қазақ мемлекеттілігінің 550 жылдығына арналға «Қазақ даласындағы мемлекетілігінің сан ғасырлар көші» атты іс-шаралар жоспары (қалалық жоспар бойынша)

Date: 2015-02-14 10:20:48
№ Өтетін іс-шара түрлері Жұмыс түрі Өтілетін күні Өтетін жер Қатысатын сыныптар 1 «Қазақ хандығына 550 жыл: тарихи. Идеологиялық өлшемдері» Саптық жиын 16.02.2015 Мектеп-лицейдің үлк...

Қазақ мемлекеттілігінің 550 жылдығына арналған «Қазақ даласындағы мемлекетілігінің сан ғасырлар көші» атты іс-шаралар жоспары

Date: 2015-02-14 10:19:43
№ Өтетін іс-шара түрлері Жұмыс түрі Өтілетін күні Өтетін жер Қатысатын сыныптар 1 «Қазақ даласындағы мемлекетілігінің сан ғасырлар көші» Жоспар құру 15.01.2015    ...

KSU “School-lyceum №15 of Balkhash town” The I half-year report of Psychology chair for 2014-2015 academic year.

Date: 2015-02-11 12:09:54
KSU “School-lyceum №15 of Balkhash town” The I half-year report of Psychology chair for 2014-2015 academic year.
KSU “School-lyceum №15 of Balkhash town” The I half-year report of Psychology chair for 2014-2015 academic year. With 22 pupils of primary school was held psychodiagnostic and psychocorrectional works by the request of teachers and parents. This category includes inclusive pupils and pupils with speech impediment, pupils who require special attention and autodistructive pupils. C...

The report for І half-year pedagogics psychologist about the done work in 2014-2015 school year

Date: 2015-02-11 12:05:41
The report for І half-year pedagogics psychologist about the done work in 2014-2015  school year
1.The main aim of the psychological work – to provide the psychological process of development and studying, to conduct and organize the upbringing and education process.   2.The psychological work with pupils passing UNT. Pupils passing UNT were defined for 2014-2015 academic year. Advices were given to pupils on preparation to the UNT. Training lessons and talking works with e...

The demonstrative lesson for teachers was conducted on 30.01.2015, who visited the coaching on Critical module in 7 “v” grade.

Date: 2015-02-04 09:49:49
The demonstrative lesson for teachers was conducted on 30.01.2015, who visited the coaching on Critical module in 7 “v” grade.
The demonstrative lesson for teachers was conducted on 30.01.2015, who visited the coaching on Critical module in 7 “v” grade. Teacher used the module of education to critical thinking. The aim was given to pupils: to search the new word “Participle”. Pupils did tasks, familiarized with. The work was organized such as pupils discussed and estimated, made conclusions. Fo...

27.01.2015, the coach-session was conducted for teachers of Kazakh, Russian, English teachers. My colleagues divided into groups on beginning stage, remembered Gold rule of work in group.

Date: 2015-02-04 09:45:48
        27.01.2015, the coach-session was conducted for teachers of Kazakh, Russian, English teachers. My colleagues divided into groups on beginning stage, remembered Gold rule of work in group.
        27.01.2015, the coach-session was conducted for teachers of Kazakh, Russian, English teachers. My colleagues divided into groups on beginning stage, remembered Gold rule of work in group. The teacher gave her types of decision questions, they discussed and made clusters in groups. Especially the strategy “Hot chair” was used successfully, wh...

The results of the trial UNT 30.01.2015

Date: 2015-02-03 08:22:48
School Total of pupils Pass of UNT Average point Kazakh Russian language History of Kazakhstan Mathematics №15 21 21 89 22 17...

The results of the trial UNT 30.12.2014

Date: 2015-02-03 08:20:33
School Total of pupils Pass of UNT Average point Kazakh Russian language History of Kazakhstan Mathematics №15 23 23 84 21 16...

Training passed for the prophylaxis of Self-destructive behaviour "Я выбераю жизнь".

Date: 2015-01-17 10:56:25
Training passed for the prophylaxis  of Self-destructive behaviour
Training passed for the prophylaxis  of Self-destructive behaviour "Я выбераю жизнь".

Training is conducted by parents 8-9 classes the "Good mood"

Date: 2015-01-17 10:55:15
Training is conducted by parents 8-9 classes the
Training is conducted by parents 8-9 classes the "Good mood"

Training is conducted for teachers "Under one roof"

Date: 2015-01-17 10:54:11
Training is conducted for teachers
Training is conducted for teachers "Under one roof"

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