Drawing contest "My favorite city"

Date: 2015-04-27 04:35:11
Drawing contest
Teachers Arts Razahova TA Men Abishova NI aesthetic - methodical association of the plan subject to the week 6.04 2015 held a drawing competition on the theme "My favorite city". The competition was attended by students grades 5-6. The leaders of the competition using slaydt showed attractions of the city of Balkhash and pupil 5 "B" class Kargaltaeva M for raising the spirits...
Author: School №9

«Денсаулық күніне» арналған спорттық іс-шаралар

Date: 2015-04-22 04:34:13
«Денсаулық күніне» арналған спорттық іс-шаралар
07.04.15 күні «Денсаулық күніне» арналған спорттық іс-шаралары ұйымдастырылды. «Дені сау ұрпақ – жарқын болашақ» ұранымен ұйымдастырылып, 5  сыныптар арасында «футбол» ойындары, 7-8 сыныптарға «Арқан тартыс» ұлттық сайысы ұйымдастырылды. (Жетекшісі Ғ. Насыр, Елшібеков С).  5-9 сыныптарға Шахмат, шашки ойыны (жетекшісі А. Бедербеков)...
Author: School №9

Information on sports events in high school №9

Date: 2015-04-22 04:30:41
Information on sports events in high school №9
April 4, 2015 the plan was carried out on the "Day of Health - 2015" sporting event with their parents "Dad, Mom, I am." Responsible for the baton PE teacher Rymkulova BA In the relay participated 3 teams. Defeated were awarded letters of commendation.
Author: School №9

Information about the meeting about HIV-AIDS

Date: 2015-04-07 08:20:20
 Information about the meeting about HIV-AIDS
4.04. was organized and held a meeting on the theme: "HIV-AIDS." Purpose: explanation of influence of HIV-AIDS on the younger generation, the observance of a healthy lifestyle. The meeting was attended by 162 students, the director of studies on educational work, social worker, 2 specialists from the Medical Centre and the class teachers.    
Author: School №9

Information about drawing contest "to admire the beauty of Autumn"

Date: 2015-04-06 09:15:50
Information about drawing contest
10/11/2014at the Palais des proshol urban schoolchildren drawing competition "admire krasatoy autumn" among pupils'health urban schools. All participants provided their school work. With our school pupil participation prinmat 6 "A" class under the guidance Seydigalieva Arailym Razahovoy Torgyn Amantaevnoy prizavoe and took 3rd place.
Author: School №9

Information about the school-wide parent meeting

Date: 2015-02-27 08:01:18
Information about the school-wide parent meeting
On 20th of February in school-wide parent meeting "Prevention of delinquency among adolescent and their parents." On the agenda: "Prevention of international extremism," "Warning delinquency among adolescent and their parents," "Warning cases of emergency" "What are you parents?" Held training on these topics.
Author: School №9

On 17th of February were invited veterans of the Afghan war Miglazov I.V, Ruskikh S.I invited fathers club «Әкелер».

Date: 2015-02-27 07:45:49
On 17th of February were invited veterans of the Afghan war Miglazov I.V, Ruskikh S.I  invited fathers club «Әкелер».
On 17th of February were invited veterans of the Afghan war Miglazov I.V, Ruskikh S.I  invited fathers club «Әкелер».  Evening meetings held the young deputy conference in the school  Bogenbai Nurzhanar and chairman of the organization «Жас Улан»Kalkash Bekarys.  Pupils for veterans sang songs, danced, recited poems. War veterans told excerpts from war...
Author: School №9

Information school №9 on the competition of scientific papers "We remember and honor the deeds of heroes!"

Date: 2015-02-10 06:22:50
Information school №9 on the competition of scientific papers
On the 6th of February 2015 at the school held a contest of scientific papers "We remember and honor the deeds of heroes!", Dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory. It was attended by guests Methodist Education Department Asemhanova G.B and correspondent of the newspaper «Балқаш өңірі»  Bazylhanova Ayman  (the jury). Research projects submitted  ...
Author: School №9

Information school №9 the results of the city Competition for the 2014-2015 year

Date: 2015-01-15 06:02:01
    In December held city subject Competition. Our studentsparticipated in the competition and won prizes.These are the students, as Muhambet Moldir (9th grade math, 2nd place, the teacher Egemberdieva SM) Serіkpay Alima (9th grade, the Kazakh language, 2nd place, the teacher Erubaeva BS) Kosaeva Louise (9th grade, informatics, 2nd place, the teacher Tokbaeva GP) Tuganbaeva Perizat (10...
Author: School №9

Results of the week to provide medical services in SNR №9 from 08 to 13 December 2014

Date: 2014-12-11 09:47:26
 Earlier this week, the plan students in grades 1 was made Mantoux test. According to the results in order to prevent the vaccine was made 4 students. The school held a round table "Healthy Generation-pledge of the future" at the initiative of the Scarecrow counselor and paramedic. Was read a paper on "Prevention and HIV and AIDS" after which the survey was conducted sch...
Author: School №9

Information about the members of the Council Fathers

Date: 2014-12-08 11:00:20
№ Full name job title 1 Kambetov Erden Zhanatuly «Ulagat» chairman of the Council Fathers 2 Sizdikov Kanat Amanjoluly vice-chairman 3 Mukhametzhanova Zharas Tursinuly...
Author: School №9

On approval of the Council Fathers

Date: 2014-12-08 10:53:20
On the basis of the outgoing emails from October 7, 2014 №312 order to establish the Council Fathers order:   1. To approve the rules of high school №9 on the creation of a "Council of fathers" 2. Тo acquaint student leaders and members of the Council on the establishment of the Council fathers fathers. 3. During the event "Ulagat" Council fathers during the year...
Author: School №9

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