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Information about the raid event "Children of the night city"

Category: Socio - pedagogical work
Date: 2021-11-05 10:25:50
Information about the raid event
From November 1 to November 5, 2021, the raid event "Children of the Night city" took place. Purpose: to monitor the behavior of students during the autumn holidays and in the extracurricular environment, to ensure that students do not walk at night. The raid was attended by: school director D. Zholdasova, administration, social pedagogue Zh. Tolegen, classroom teachers, teachers. Locations of the...
Author: School №9

Information about attending college in order to conduct career guidance work at school

Category: Employment of graduates
Date: 2021-11-05 09:25:07
Information about attending college in order to conduct career guidance work at school
On 4.11.2021, 9th grade students from the senior school counselor visited Balkhash Medical College.
Author: School №9

«Мамандықты дұрыс таңдай біл» тақырыбында мамандыққа бағыттау мақсатында ашық есік күні

Category: Employment of graduates
Date: 2021-11-03 15:04:12
«Мамандықты дұрыс таңдай біл» тақырыбында мамандыққа бағыттау   мақсатында ашық есік күні
3.11.21 күні оқушылардың мамандық таңдау үдерісінде тұлғаның қызығушылығы мен қабілетін еңбек нарығындағы қажеттіліктерін ескере отырып оңтайландыру мақсатында «ҚР Халық Қаһарманы» Р. Қошқарбаев атындағы БТК колледжінде ашық есік күні өткізілді. 9 сынып оқушылары сынып жетекшілерімен бірге барып, әр түрлі мандықтар жайында біліп, қайтты.
Author: School №9

«Әр баланың құқығы бар» онлай сурет байқауының ақпараты

Category: Socio - pedagogical work
Date: 2021-11-01 12:16:18
«Әр баланың құқығы бар» онлай сурет байқауының ақпараты
2021 жылдың 1 қараша күні 1-4 сынып оқушылар арасында «Әр баланың құқығы бар» тақырыбында онлайн сурет байқауы өтті. Балалар өз суреттерінде өз құқықтарын, бақытты өмір сүру керек екендігін көрсете білді.
Author: School №9


Category: our achievements
Date: 2021-11-01 09:04:58
The Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the city of Balkhash in the city athletics race "the way to health", dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, among young men under 17, students of secondary school No. 9 Akylbayev Ali, Zhangazy Aktilek were awarded a certificate, diploma in the amount of 60000,80000 thousand tenge for the I, II place.
Author: School №9

Information about the raid event "Children of the night city"

Category: Socio - pedagogical work
Date: 2021-10-30 09:07:41
Information about the raid event
On October 28, 2021, within the framework of the republican month "children's rights – human rights", a raid event "Children of the night city" was held. Raids were organized on neighboring computer clubs, cafes, entertainment clubs, in the courtyards of multi-storey buildings, that is, along Lenin, Alimzhanova, Ostrovsky, Bokeikhanov, Seifullina Streets and into th...
Author: School №9

Information of the essay contest "My right, my duty"

Category: Socio - pedagogical work
Date: 2021-10-30 08:36:41
Information of the essay contest
On October 27, 2021, a contest was held among grades 7-9 to write an essay on the topic "My right, my duty". The children of each class wrote their thoughts about their rights and responsibilities and read them inside the class. The guys noted the importance of law and education.
Author: School №9

Information of the day of guardians "Kind Heart"

Category: Board of Supervisors
Date: 2021-10-28 14:12:06
Information of the day of guardians
On October 27, 2021, the day of guardians "Kind Heart" was held in our school. The purpose of this event is to enable the wards of children to feel free in the environment, radiate warmth and interact well with the external environment and establish a close relationship between parents and guardians. The nobility of good Kazakh qualities -kindness, generosity, selflessness, brotherhood. October 29...
Author: School №9

Menu on 28.10.2021

Category: School canteen
Date: 2021-10-28 13:22:00
Menu on 28.10.2021
Author: School №9

27.10.2021 ас мәзірі

Category: School canteen
Date: 2021-10-27 15:28:30
27.10.2021 ас мәзірі
27.10.2021 ас мәзірі
Author: School №9


Category: our achievements
Date: 2021-10-27 15:16:43
Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Karaganda organized an event dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the Dauylpaz poet Kasym Amanzholov "you were happy, the future generation! in the regional distance competition "Zhas Dauren, kuzenin toya almaspyn" in the nomination "young singers", a student of the 8th grade Abdirbaeva Moldir took part and took the III place. The head of Zhakupbekova Sh. D. Unde...
Author: School №9

Plan of the Republican month" rights of the child-human rights"

Category: Socio - pedagogical work
Date: 2021-10-27 09:16:34
Author: School №9

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