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Оur achievements


Category: our achievements
Date: 2021-01-17 08:26:04
Winner of the 1st place of the Republican Blitz tournament "pedagogy and methods of Primary Education", held in January Primary school teacher of Secondary School No. 9 Department Of Internal Affairs Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan With a diploma of the 1st degree awarded.
Author: School №9

Pony Winners of the international competition

Category: our achievements
Date: 2021-01-13 14:38:47
Pony Winners of the international competition
Pony(In The Vision!Think!Results!Iger!For high-quality training of winners and prize-winners of the international competition D. K. Shakirova Shubaeva Zh.Zh. Blalova N. Zh Kyduakasova B. T "I don't know," he said.
Author: School №9


Category: our achievements
Date: 2021-01-13 09:04:52
Author: School №9


Category: our achievements
Date: 2021-01-13 09:01:38
In the distance competition "Shyrshamyz tur Zharasa", organized by the Palace of Schoolchildren, students of grades 5-9 took part and were awarded prizes.
Author: School №9


Category: our achievements
Date: 2021-01-12 08:43:09
Workshop of Santa Claus winter crafts at the city distance, the competition winter crafts Workshop of Santa Claus was held. Students and parents of our school showed creativity, imagination and skill. The performance of the guys was very beautiful and bright,and they took prizes I, II places.
Author: School №9


Category: our achievements
Date: 2021-01-08 14:10:22
Diplomas I,II degree awarded Kasymova Altyngul, alpysbaeva Ayana in "the heroic pages of the Kazakh history," VII national Kurultai of young researchers "and persons recognized by the world" dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of the great scientist Abu Nasr al-Farabi and the 175th anniversary of the great Kazakh poet Abay Kunanbayev.
Author: School №9

Republican contest "methodological development"

Category: our achievements
Date: 2020-12-29 14:21:53
Republican contest
Among general education schools in the category " learning+interesting Shubayeva Zhanel Zhanatovna (III degree) was awarded a diploma (522).
Author: School №9

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