Cool hours

Cool hours

History lessons of Kazakhstan-the way closer to tolerance " class hour information

Category: Cool hours
Date: 2021-01-18 10:28:18
History lessons of Kazakhstan-the way closer to tolerance
Goal: 1. education of morals, morals of students. 2. formation of students ' religious views. 3. to form the concepts of "extremism" and "terrorism"in students. For this purpose, on 18.01.21, class hours were held with students of grades 9-11 on the prevention of religious extremism
Author: School №9

"The place of man in the ecosystem" class hours

Category: Cool hours
Date: 2021-01-12 09:15:37
On January 11, in grades 1-11, class hours were held online on the topic "place of a person in the ecosystem". The purpose of the class hours is the formation of a special attitude to the development of ecological culture, the ability to feel respect, care and love for the Native Land, love for the land, respect for its wealth.
Author: School №9

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