The results of the urban pilot testing of 18/12/2015

Category: Unified national testing
Date: 2015-12-25 07:58:30
The results of the urban pilot testing of 18/12/2015
The results of the urban pilot testing of 18/12/2015
Author: School №8

The results of the urban pilot testing of 11/12/2015

Category: Unified national testing
Date: 2015-12-25 07:52:35
The results of the urban pilot testing of 11/12/2015
The results of the urban pilot testing of 11/12/2015
Author: School №8

«Жас Ұлан» бірыңғай балалар мен жасөспірімдер ұйымына қабылдау салтанатты жиыны

Category: leader
Date: 2015-12-23 10:17:51
«Жас Ұлан» бірыңғай балалар мен жасөспірімдер  ұйымына қабылдау салтанатты жиыны
2015 жылдың 14 желтоқсанында Республикалық «Жас Ұлан» бірыңғай  балалар мен жасөспірімдер ұйымының қатарына 5 сыныптардың үздік оқушыларын қабылдау салтанатты жиыны болып өтті. Жиынға мектеп директоры А.Т. Төкейбекова және тәрбие ісінің меңгерушісі Ж.Қ. Жетпісбаева сондай –ақ «Жас Ұлан» ұйымының ұлан басшысы Бегімбаева Назерке мен мектеп ұстаздары мен оқушылары...
Author: School №8

Results Olympiad in OSSH№8

Category: Olympic Games, intellectual games, competitions
Date: 2015-12-21 09:15:01
Results Olympiad in OSSH№8
Results Olympiad in 2015-2016 on OSSH№8 account. year 9-11 It was attended by 18 students Science and math-12 students Humanities-6 students   № Full name Class Subject A place Teacher 1 Madeniet Aitolkyn 11а...
Author: School №8

Report of the Finance in 2015

Category: Report on finance
Date: 2015-12-14 10:33:01
Report of the Finance in 2015
1. The total for 2015 financial year allocated  133130000 tenge; 2. Including in: - The payment of taxes and other obligatory payments to the budget of  9529000 tenge; - The payment of wages to employees  99262000 tenge; -  For utilities 5050000 tenge; - To improve the material and technical base of the organization 19289000 tenge;
Author: School №8

Oath taking ceremony of the Cadet Class 5Ә

Date: 2015-12-14 08:43:36
Oath taking ceremony of the Cadet Class 5Ә
   December 12th, 2015 at the school held a solemn ceremony of making oath Cadets 5Ә class. At the ceremony were invited: the head of the department of education, the representative of the party Nur Otan, the staff voynskoy part, member of the organization "Combat Brotherhood" principals, the director of the SNR №58 Karaganda T.V.Balgabekova. With school №58 Karaganda was sig...
Author: School №8

"My dream house"

Date: 2015-12-11 11:08:33
Draft Grade 11 student Erbolat Erbolat "House of My Dream" The theme of my project called "The House of my dreams." This home consists of eight rooms built in a new style of modern building materials, meets all the requirements of the present time. You will be able to see in my house, and the simple things. The house is built from the usual red brick duplex with modern sub...
Author: School №8

Coaching "Development of functional literacy in the classroom"

Category: Seminars, coaching
Date: 2015-12-11 10:22:18
09/12/2015, at SNR №8 physics teacher D.K.Kanat koching held on the theme "Development of functional literacy in the classroom". The purpose of coaching: the development of functional literacy of students in the classroom. Progress Coaching: 1. Mental attitude. 2. The division into groups (using stickers).            &nb...
Author: School №8

The "Expo - 2017" - a global project of the President of the NA Nazarbayev

Date: 2015-12-09 14:15:30
Conducting International Exhibition EXPO-2017 in Astana - one of the national key projects in Kazakhstan. The initiative of organizing such a grand event in the capital of our country belongs to the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. The international authority and the full support of the Head of State has become an important factor in the success of Astana victory in the vote to host...
Author: School №8

School-wide parent meeting

Category: Work with parents
Date: 2015-12-05 10:13:11
School-wide parent meeting
December 5, 2015 was held school-wide parent meeting. The meeting was attended by 100 parents. On the agenda are examined: 1. To familiarize parents with the content of the Message of President Nursultan Nazarbayev to the people; Headmaster Tokeybekova AT 2. The quality of knowledge for the I quarter of the 2015-2016 academic year; Deputy Director of Studies Zakarin Maral Mukazhanova. 3. The...
Author: School №8

Meeting the creative team "Іzdenіs" on "Preparing students to UNT"

Category: Seminars, coaching
Date: 2015-11-28 06:23:05
Meeting the creative team
   November 26, 2015 the regular meeting of the creative team "Іzdenіs" on "Preparing students to UNT." The meeting listened to presentations on topics "Daryndy Bala oқytu-ұstaz Paryz", "Preparing students to UNT." Teachers shared their experience preparing students for the Olympics and the uniform national testing.
Author: School №8

"AIDS disease of the century"

Category: Socio-psihological activities
Date: 2015-11-25 10:37:35
The SNR №8 November 23, 2015 on the line organization of government propaganda held a preventive conversation on the topic of "AIDS disease of the century." Objective: to raise a healthy lifestyle, to bring to the attention of students about AIDS, to advise on how to avoid infection by the disease, not "turn away" and get right people infected with the disease. The members o...
Author: School №8

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