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Conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory.

Date: 2015-04-15 09:41:33
Conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory.
Administration of school №8 suited to creative development of cadet education. To date, our cadets are known not only in his native city, but also in the field. Recently, the school director AT Tokeybekova prepared a report on the program and the importance of the development of military education for the development of military-patriotic education of students at the conference dedicated to the...
Author: School №8

Information on the SNR №8 patriotic action involving cadet classes "We are descendants of the famous heroes of the Fatherland"

Date: 2015-03-13 08:02:12
Information on the SNR №8 patriotic action involving cadet classes
On 13th of  March 2015,  was held patriotic action involving cadet classes"We aredescendants of the famous heroes of the Fatherland". The purpose of the action: education of the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism, improving sports skills, promoting a healthy lifestyle, to preserve the memory of the soldiers whodied defending the Fatherland, respect for the country...
Author: School №8

Кадеттердің Қарағанды қаласына сапары

Date: 2015-02-14 05:59:34
Кадеттердің Қарағанды қаласына сапары
13.02.2015 жылы 6-8 кадет сыныптарынан 10 оқушы шақырту бойынша өзара тәжірибе алмасу мақсатында Қарағанды қаласының ЖББ №58 орта мектебіне барды. ЖББ №58 орта мектебінде салтанатты жиында кадет туын тапсыру рәсімі өтті. Іс-шарадан кейін екі мектептің кадет сыныптарымен әскери-спорттық ойындар бойынша жолдастық кездесу өтті. Содан кейін оқушылар әскери бөлімге, Теміртау қаласындағы "Тұңғыш...
Author: School №8

Christmas Ball Cadets

Date: 2014-12-29 04:12:37
Christmas Ball Cadets
On December 27, the school held Christmas Ball Cadets. Cadets came to the ball with their ladies, and appears as a gallant and girls - society ladies. Leading the ball Zheksembay Ayhanum and Magrupov Murager invited cadets to celebrate the Christmas tree. Ball opened waltz Cadets, then they danced the dance "Polonaise", playing different games. Cadets choose the "queen of the ball...
Author: School №8

Adoption oath Cadets

Date: 2014-12-15 03:04:12
Adoption oath Cadets
December 13, 2014 was held at the school making the oath ceremony Cadets 5, 6, 7 classes. On the solemn ruler were invited guests Methodist City Department of Education, Physical Education and Sports Rakhimov FM, head of the Department of Defense to combine Alishev BA, employees of military units №31765, №6505, №53898, chairman of the Council Fathers and colleagues, who signed a memorandum of mu...
Author: School №8

Competition among marching songs cadet classes

Date: 2014-11-28 04:17:27
Competition among marching songs cadet classes
November 27 teacher CWP Erimbetov TE and PE teacher held among cadet classes of competition among the cadet marching songs klassov.V as guests were invited Methodist Education Department F.M.Rahimov, chairman of the fathers "Baiterek" Zholdanov KB, chairman of the parent Committee Sattybaeva Nazim. An address by the director of the school Tokeybekova A.T. At the competition, students w...
Author: School №8

Presidential all-round among the cadet classes

Date: 2014-11-28 04:14:42
Presidential all-round among the cadet classes
November 25 was held Presidential all-round among the cadet classes. A welcoming speech headmaster Tokeybekova AT Students broke into the class into two groups and competed for pull-ups, jumping up and shooting a gun.
Author: School №8

General rules

Date: 2014-10-29 03:23:47
1. General rules 1.1. This provision is designed in accordance with the Law "On education", the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan Law "On education", the concept of development, the Message of the President of Kazakhstan, development strategy "Kazakhstan-2030". 1.2.Uporyadochivaet activities cadet classes in school. 1.3. The main objectives of the cade...
Author: School №8


Date: 2014-10-28 10:18:58
Author: School №8

Schedule circles cadet classes

Date: 2014-10-28 10:04:56
Schedule circles cadet classes № circle classes 5Ә 6Ә 7Ә 8Ә 1  History of Military of Forces   Thursday 12.40-13.25 Saturday сағ.12.40-13.25...
Author: School №8

Information about the competition "Junior Lifeguard"

Date: 2014-10-28 02:53:04
 Information about the competition
October 16 was held at the lake city competition "Junior Lifeguard". With our school participated team "Barys", director - Erimbetov TE 1 stage-diving team on the boat. 2 stage- providing first ambulance. In the third stage dressing mask on time. 4 stage- rapid fire extinguishing. 5-stage competition bikes. 6 stage- presentation team. According to the res...
Author: School №8

Information on cadet classes

Date: 2014-08-21 06:24:49
Information on cadet classes          In a cadet class boys of years of ten, physically healthy, moral and steady are accepted. They have a special form of a military sample. During competition specially organized commission accepts examinations, and in the commission decision pupils are enlisted in a cadet class.        Pupils of cadet c...
Author: School №8

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