
"Жолда абай бол, балақай "

Category: leader
Date: 2018-09-25 09:55:20
Қыркүйек айының 17 - інде мектебіміздің 1 сынып оқушыларына жол ережесін есте сақтату мақсатында "Жолда абай бол, балақай " акциясы өтті. Оқушылары жол ережелерімен танысып, көше жолдарына экскурсия жасады.
Author: School №8

The solemn line devoted to the adoption of the oath "Zhas Ulan"

Category: leader
Date: 2018-05-10 13:46:46
The solemn line devoted to the adoption of the oath
On May 4, 2018 in the secondary school on the eve of Victory Day a solemn meeting was held devoted to the acceptance of pupils of 6,7 classes in the ranks of the children's and youth organization "Zhas Ulan". The meeting was attended by the head of the school A.T.Tokeibekova, deputy director for the training part Alkei TB, chairman of the trade union organization Bakirova GM, teach...
Author: School №8

Competition "Zhas zhirgizushiler"

Category: leader
Date: 2018-02-21 21:39:43
  On February 21, 2013 in the secondary school No. 8 among the pupils of grades 7-8, the competition "Young driver" was held. The competition was attended by. 7B class G.Isangali- head Zhumabaeva M.K., with 7A class A.Badeshova, A.Sarsenbai head Ozhkhanova U, I.Mukaram from 6V class, head N.Nsrjeytova Zh.S., and from 6B class A.Kalymbetov-head A. Abilov. The competition consisted...
Author: School №8

Volunteer Club "Altyn Үrpāк"

Category: leader
Date: 2017-10-02 08:22:37
Volunteer Club
The Volunteer Club "Altyn Ұrpā" was established to create an anti-corruption culture of schoolchildren, to create incentives for observing legal requirements, raising the level of education and culture. More information you can find in the attached file.

Festive gathering on the occasion of the reception of students in a single republican children and youth organization "Zhas Ulan"

Category: leader
Date: 2017-02-15 08:23:48
Festive gathering on the occasion of the reception of students in a single republican children and youth organization
  February 13, 2017 the school hosted a festive gathering on the occasion of the reception of students 4 classes in a single series of children's and youth organization "Zhas Ulan". The meeting was attended by the principal Tokeybekova AT, the director of studies on educational work Zhetpisbayeva ZK, as well as members of "Zhas Ulan" with Chairman Zhaksybayeva T., st...
Author: School №8

Roundtable on "Continuity of generations - a national treasure"

Category: leader
Date: 2017-02-10 08:04:41
Roundtable on
   February 7, our school hosted a discussion on the topic: "Ұrpaқtar sabaқtastyғy - Ulttyk құndylyқ". Roundtable participants were students of the school and the parents. During the discussion, the students asked questions on topics of interest to them, parents, in turn, tried to answer them. Objective: To expand the students' knowledge about Kazakhstan, build knowled...
Author: School №8

Meeting with respublikanskimim "Jas ulanovtsami"

Category: leader
Date: 2017-01-16 08:06:00
Meeting with respublikanskimim
   For the purposes of career guidance 12 January 2017 a teacher CWP Erimbetovym TE among pupils of 9 and cadet classes it was organized and held a meeting with students "Jas Ulan" Republican School. Invited to the meeting participants gave students the necessary information on the conditions of admission to the Republican ulanovtsev school, spoke about the high level of phys...
Author: School №8

Senior leader and organization of self-management in school

Category: leader
Date: 2016-11-18 08:44:14
 Senior leader and organization of self-management in school
   17/11/2016, the school held a meeting of members of government and senior school counselor. They discussed the organization plan. Senior counselor offered the best solutions to some of the issues and areas of work, the students took part together in conversation, expressing their views.
Author: School №8

Solemn line, devoted to the reception of children in children's and youth organization "Zhas Kyran"

Category: leader
Date: 2016-05-19 02:21:52
Solemn line, devoted to the reception of children in children's and youth organization
May 16, 2016 at the solemn meeting senior leader and members of the junior organization "Zhas Ulan" took 2nd class honors in school ranks junior organization "Zhas Kyran". On the line was attended by director of the school A.T.Tokeybekova, deputy director on educational part Zhetpispaeva JK, leader of junior organization "Zhas Ulan" Begimbaeva N. On the line of p...
Author: School №8

Competition "Zhana ғasyr zhastar kөzіmen"

Category: leader
Date: 2016-03-12 04:34:25
The city competition of propaganda teams "Zhana ғasyr zhastar kөzіmen" awarded school №8, has won the third place.
Author: School №8

Solemn line, devoted to the adoption of students in youth organization "Zhas Ulan"

Category: leader
Date: 2016-01-21 06:34:11
 Solemn line, devoted to the adoption of students in youth organization
The SNR №8 was held a solemn assembly in honor of the students receive 5 classes, students at a great Republican ranks junior organization "Zhas Ulan" .On event was attended by director of the school Tokeybekova AT, the deputy director for education of the JK Zhetpispaeva , chairman of the organization "Zhas Ulan" Begimbaeva NA, as well as teachers and students of the school....
Author: School №8

«Жас Ұлан» бірыңғай балалар мен жасөспірімдер ұйымына қабылдау салтанатты жиыны

Category: leader
Date: 2015-12-23 10:17:51
«Жас Ұлан» бірыңғай балалар мен жасөспірімдер  ұйымына қабылдау салтанатты жиыны
2015 жылдың 14 желтоқсанында Республикалық «Жас Ұлан» бірыңғай  балалар мен жасөспірімдер ұйымының қатарына 5 сыныптардың үздік оқушыларын қабылдау салтанатты жиыны болып өтті. Жиынға мектеп директоры А.Т. Төкейбекова және тәрбие ісінің меңгерушісі Ж.Қ. Жетпісбаева сондай –ақ «Жас Ұлан» ұйымының ұлан басшысы Бегімбаева Назерке мен мектеп ұстаздары мен оқушылары...
Author: School №8

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