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From 14.10.2020 to 26.10.2020, a single Republican campaign" Safe School bus " was held. In compliance with the rules of safety on public transport and school buses, "young inspectors" of our school came out and distributed advertising papers.

Category: Аға тәлімгер жұмысы
Date: 2020-10-27 14:52:24
From 14.10.2020 to 26.10.2020, a single Republican campaign
From 14.10.2020 to 26.10.2020, a single Republican campaign" Safe School bus " was held. In compliance with the rules of safety on public transport and school buses, "young inspectors" of our school came out and distributed advertising papers.

Project "Good Book - food for the soul" in grades 1-4. Fiction. Abay Kunanbayev held educational hours on the ZOOM platform on the theme" seasons".

Category: Сынып сағаты
Date: 2020-10-27 14:45:39
Project "Good Book - food for the soul" in grades 1-4. Fiction. Abay Kunanbayev held educational hours on the ZOOM platform on the theme" seasons".

Project "Good Book-food for the soul" in grades 9-11. For the purpose of spiritual and moral education using the fiction of Abay Kunanbayev's words of edification, educational hours were held on the ZOOM platform between classes.

Category: Сынып сағаты
Date: 2020-10-27 14:43:05
Project "Good Book-food for the soul" in grades 9-11. For the purpose of spiritual and moral education using the fiction of Abay Kunanbayev's words of edification, educational hours were held on the ZOOM platform between classes.

From Grades 5 to 8, educational hours were held on the ZOOM platform on the topic "What museum exhibits say".

Category: Сынып сағаты
Date: 2020-10-27 14:40:43
From Grades 5 to 8, educational hours were held on the ZOOM platform on the topic
From Grades 5 to 8, educational hours were held on the ZOOM platform on the topic "What museum exhibits say".

On 25.10.2020, an online parent meeting was held to promote a healthy lifestyle and prevent coronavirus infection in the conditions of distance learning in educational organizations of a healthy lifestyle on the issues of safety and compliance with the ru

Category: Отбасы сағаты
Date: 2020-10-27 14:34:02
On 25.10.2020, an online parent meeting was held to promote a healthy lifestyle and prevent coronavirus infection in the conditions of distance learning in educational organizations of a healthy lifestyle on the issues of safety and compliance with the ru
On 25.10.2020, an online parent meeting was held to promote a healthy lifestyle and prevent coronavirus infection in the conditions of distance learning in educational organizations of a healthy lifestyle on the issues of safety and compliance with the rules of life of children in connection with the Prevention of covid-19 disease. The meeting was attended by parents of grades 1-11. The meeting...

Students and leaders of grades 7-11 of our gymnasium took part in the XXVI Regional Online Conference of NPO" Almaty Ecology "and" Saryarka DARYNY "on the topic" ecology and children". Winners of the category: Lyaila Siyazbekova - the most useful. Sarsen

Category: Ғибрат
Date: 2020-10-26 13:59:14
Students and leaders of grades 7-11 of our gymnasium took part in the XXVI Regional Online Conference of NPO
Students and leaders of grades 7-11 of our gymnasium took part in the XXVI Regional Online Conference of NPO" Almaty Ecology "and" Saryarka DARYNY "on the topic" ecology and children". Winners of the category: Lyaila Siyazbekova - the most useful. Sarsen Altynai is the most compassionate. Congratulations!!!

In the mini - center "Balbobek""7 school-gymnasium named after S. Seifullin"from October 15 to 22, a remote competition was organized among students on the theme "Blessed Golden autumn"

Category: Events mini- center "Балбөбек"
Date: 2020-10-24 11:34:09
In the mini - center
In the mini - Center"Balbobek"of the 7th school-gymnasium named after S. Seifullin from October 15 to 22, a remote competition was held among students on the theme"Berekeli Altyn Kuz".The little chicks, with the help of their parents, showed their crafts made from fruits and autumn fashion models.The winners of the contest were awarded with diplomas. Arina nurgeldievna won...

On 23.10.2020, at 12.00, an hour of classroom teachers was held with teachers of grades 1-11.

Category: Сынып жетекшілер сағаты
Date: 2020-10-23 14:37:41
On 23.10.2020, at 12.00, an hour of classroom teachers was held with teachers of grades 1-11.
On 23.10.2020, at 12.00, an hour of classroom teachers was held with teachers of grades 1-11. Classroom teachers updated the list of students who provide assistance from the Universal Education Fund, familiarized with the plans for the types of work carried out by large, low-income families, families of students left without care, were informed about the attendance of students in duty classes an...

List of participants of the distance competition "Araily Golden Autumn - 2020".

Category: Аға тәлімгер жұмысы
Date: 2020-10-21 10:12:20
List of participants of the distance competition
List of participants of the distance competition "Araily Golden Autumn - 2020".

October 18-Day of spiritual consent

Category: Сынып сағаты
Date: 2020-10-19 09:57:48
October 18-Day of spiritual consent
Every year, on October 18, the country celebrates the day of spiritual harmony. This significant date dates back to October 18, 1992, when the First World Spiritual Congress was held in Almaty under the chairmanship of Elbasy N. Nazarbayev. Spiritual harmony is an invaluable asset between nations and traditional religions.   In honor of the day of spiritual harmony, the library organize...

October 18-Day of spiritual consent

Category: Кітапхана
Date: 2020-10-19 08:44:45
October 18-Day of spiritual consent
Every year, on October 18, the country celebrates the day of spiritual harmony. This significant date dates back to October 18, 1992, when the First World Spiritual Congress was held in Almaty under the chairmanship of Elbasy N. Nazarbayev. Spiritual harmony is an invaluable asset between nations and traditional religions.   In honor of the day of spiritual harmony, the library organize...

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