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"Adal Urpak"

Category: Сынып сағаты
Date: 2021-01-19 09:43:44
On 19.01.2021, the program "Adal Urpak" was launched in order to form a motivational space that ensures the development of Information Culture. Is it possible to buy everything for money? educational hours were held in grades 9-11.

"Earth is our common home"

Category: Сынып сағаты
Date: 2021-01-19 09:41:34
On 19.01.2021, in order to promote the development of intellectual abilities and leadership abilities of each person, the contest "Earth is our common home"was held. "Life is everywhere, life is around, man is a friend to nature! educational hours were held on the ZOOM platform in grades 5-8.

"traditions and Customs"

Category: Сынып сағаты
Date: 2021-01-19 09:35:32
19.01.2021 "traditions and Customs"to promote the development of intellectual abilities, leadership abilities of each person. Educational hours were held on the ZOOM platform in grades 1-4 on the topic of family traditions.

Balkhash City.A student of the 4th grade of the seifullin gymnasium No. 7 Mazhken minura Aidoskyzy took an active part in the cultural and educational project "Ulagatty urpak", organized to honor the cultural heritage of Kazakhstan, and received a letter

Category: Тәрбие
Date: 2021-01-12 17:25:53
Balkhash City.A student of the 4th grade of the seifullin gymnasium No. 7 Mazhken minura Aidoskyzy took an active part in the cultural and educational project
Balkhash City.A student of the 4th grade of the seifullin gymnasium No. 7 Mazhken minura Aidoskyzy took an active part in the cultural and educational project "Ulagatty urpak", organized to honor the cultural heritage of Kazakhstan, and received a letter of thanks from the Ministry of culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

On January 8, 2021, a family hour was organized on the zoom platform to prepare for the third quarter. Parents of students of grades 9,11 were informed about which classes will be studied at a distance in the III quarter, and which classes will be on duty

Category: Отбасы сағаты
Date: 2021-01-12 17:21:44
On January 8, 2021, a family hour was organized on the zoom platform to prepare for the third quarter. Parents of students of grades 9,11 were informed about which classes will be studied at a distance in the III quarter, and which classes will be on duty
On January 8, 2021, a family hour was organized on the zoom platform to prepare for the third quarter. Parents of students of grades 9,11 were informed about which classes will be studied at a distance in the III quarter, and which classes will be on duty. It was also reported that the duty Class will be held in grades 9.11. Students of grades 9,11 were introduced to the algorithm of the rules f...

On January 8, 2021, an hour of classroom teachers was held on the zoom platform to prepare for the III quarter. Classroom teachers were informed about which classes will be held at a distance in the III quarter, and which classes will be held in the duty

Category: Сынып жетекшілер сағаты
Date: 2021-01-12 17:19:40
On January 8, 2021, an hour of classroom teachers was held on the zoom platform to prepare for the III quarter. Classroom teachers were informed about which classes will be held at a distance in the III quarter, and which classes will be held in the duty
On January 8, 2021, an hour of classroom teachers was held on the zoom platform to prepare for the III quarter. Classroom teachers were informed about which classes will be held at a distance in the III quarter, and which classes will be held in the duty Class. It was also reported that the duty Class will be held in grades 9.11. Students of grades 9,11 were introduced to the algorithm of rules...

С.Сейфуллин атындағы №7 мектеп-гимназиясы оқушыларының І жарты жылдық бойынша сыныптан тыс іс-шараларға қатысу көрсеткіші

Category: Аға тәлімгер жұмысы
Date: 2021-01-12 00:54:46
С.Сейфуллин атындағы№7 мектеп-гимназиясы оқушыларының І жарты жылдық бойынша                                              сыныптан тыс іс-шараларға қатысу көрсеткіші...

«Балқаш қаласы С. Сейфуллин атындағы №7 мектеп – гимназиясы» КММ –нің І жарты жылдық бойынша іс –шараларға қатысу көрсеткіштері (байқаулар, олимпиада, ғылыми жобалар)

Category: Ғибрат
Date: 2021-01-11 19:38:20
  № Іс – шаралар атауы Ұйымдастырушы ұйым Құны Нәтижелері 1 ҚР «Ата Заңы» күніне орай қашықтықтан зияткерлік ойыны            (7-8 сынып) «Сарыарқа Дарыны»...

We are against violence

Category: Аға тәлімгер жұмысы
Date: 2021-01-08 11:52:20
We are against violence
We are against violence

In adolescence, a person forms qualitatively new structures of soul energy. This is when a teenager craves autonomy. ” I don't know", thinking that I have achieved a man can sometimes lead to mistakes and abuses. During this period, it is necessary to tak

Category: My inner world (psychological advice)
Date: 2020-12-30 16:23:21
In adolescence, a person forms qualitatively new structures of soul energy. This is when a teenager craves autonomy. ” I don't know
In adolescence, a person forms qualitatively new structures of soul energy. This is when a teenager craves autonomy. ” I don't know", thinking that I have achieved a man can sometimes lead to mistakes and abuses. During this period, it is necessary to take into account their mental characteristics, support their wishes in the appropriate place, and actively participate in various...

On December 29, a historical lesson dedicated to the 750th anniversary of the Golden Horde was held on the ZOOM platform with students of the 9th grade in order to familiarize students with the historical events that took place in the Great Steppe, inheri

Category: Кітапхана
Date: 2020-12-30 16:14:07
On December 29, a historical lesson dedicated to the 750th anniversary of the Golden Horde was held on the ZOOM platform with students of the 9th grade in order to familiarize students with the historical events that took place in the Great Steppe, inheri
On December 29, a historical lesson dedicated to the 750th anniversary of the Golden Horde was held on the ZOOM platform with students of the 9th grade in order to familiarize students with the historical events that took place in the Great Steppe, inherited from our ancestors, and the history of the Golden Horde state, which was created eight centuries ago in the Kazakh steppe. During the eve...

On December 26, within the framework of the project "a school that wants to learn-a nation that wants to learn", the program "I am reading, you are reading too!"The Reading Time Project hosted a massive book reading hour through the ZOOM platform.

Category: Кітапхана
Date: 2020-12-30 16:11:46
On December 26, within the framework of the project
On December 26, within the framework of the project "a school that wants to learn-a nation that wants to learn", the program "I am reading, you are reading too!"The Reading Time Project hosted a massive book reading hour through the ZOOM platform.

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