Daily menu

Category: Daily menu

Меню на 05.08.2021 г


меню 14.03.2022

доброе утро! Меню: Завтрак:

2022-03-14 13:28:58

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Меню 25.01.2022

Қайырлы таң!❄️⛄❄️ Ас мәзірі: Таңғы ас:

2022-01-25 15:24:43

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Menu for 12/14/2021

Menu: Breakfast: milk porridge "Wheat", wheat bread with butter, cocoa with milk and sugar. 10:00 apple Lunch: Pea soup on bone broth, beef stroganoff with boiled horns in butter, salad of fresh cabbage in vegetable oil, wheat bread, rye bread, dried fruit compote with vitamin "C". Dinner / afternoon snack/: Omelet, "Snowball", wheat bread.

2021-12-14 10:04:15

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Menu for 13.12.2021

Menu: Breakfast: milk porridge "Corn", wheat bread with butter, cocoa with milk with milk and sugar. 10:00 juice Lunch: Soup "With dumplings" on a special broth with sour cream, stewed vegetables with chicken meat, salad "Vitamin" in vegetable oil, wheat bread, rye bread, dried fruit compote with vitamin "C". Dinner / afternoon snack/: Cottage cheese casserole with jam, "Snowball", wheat bread.

2021-12-13 13:12:00

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Menu for 10.12.2021

Menu: Breakfast: milk porridge "Barley", wheat bread with butter, "Chicory" with milk with milk and sugar. 10:00 juice Lunch: "Borscht" on a suit of broth, goulash with pea puree, carrot salad in vegetable oil, wheat bread, rye bread, fruit and berry jelly with the addition of vitamin "C". Dinner /afternoon tea/: Mashed potatoes with butter, squash caviar, "Snowball", wheat bread.

2021-12-13 13:08:48

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Menu for 08.12.2021

Menu: Breakfast: Rice porridge, wheat bread with butter, Chicory with milk with milk and sugar. 10:00 juice Lunch: "Grandma's soup", fish cutlet with tomato sauce, mashed potatoes with butter, vitamin salad in vegetable oil, wheat bread, rye bread, dried fruit compote with vitamin C. Dinner / afternoon snack/: Potato soup with buckwheat on bone broth, kefir, wheat bread.

2021-12-13 13:05:44

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Menu for 07.12.2021

Menu: Breakfast: milk porridge "Millet", wheat bread with butter, tea with milk with milk and sugar. 10:00 apple Lunch: Beetroot soup with bone broth, goulash, boiled pearl barley with butter, vegetable salad in vegetable oil, wheat bread, rye bread, dried fruit compote with vitamin C. Dinner /afternoon tea/: Dumplings with cottage cheese, "Snowball", wheat bread.

2021-12-13 13:01:01

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Menu for 06.12.2021

Menu: Breakfast: Semolina milk porridge, wheat bread with butter, cocoa with milk with milk and sugar. 10:00 juice Lunch: Soup : Homemade noodles" on chicken broth, azu in Tatar, salad of fresh cabbage in vegetable oil, wheat bread, rye bread, dried fruit compote with the addition of vitamin "C". Dinner /afternoon tea/: Soup on bone broth "Vermicelli", tea with milk, wheat bread.

2021-12-13 12:58:35

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Menu for 03.12.2021

Menu: Breakfast: milk porridge "Oatmeal", wheat bread with butter, "Chicory" with milk and sugar. 10:00 juice Lunch: Soup "Soup" on bone broth with sour cream, pilaf, salad of fresh carrots in vegetable oil, wheat bread, rye bread, dried fruit compote with vitamin "C". Dinner /afternoon tea/: Buckwheat milk soup, "Snowball", wheat bread.

2021-12-13 12:56:03

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Menu on 02.12.2021

Menu: Breakfast: Rice porridge, wheat bread with butter, cocoa with milk and sugar. 10:00 juice Lunch: Lentil soup with bone broth, goulash, boiled horns with butter, salad of fresh cabbage in vegetable oil, wheat bread, rye bread, dried fruit compote with vitamin "C". Dinner /afternoon tea/: Soup with fish meatballs, tea with milk, wheat bread, pie with potatoes.

2021-12-13 12:52:59

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Меню 11.10.2021

Ас мәзірі: 11.10.2021ж

2021-10-11 13:45:06

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меню 07.10.2021

Ас мәзірі: 07.10.2021ж

2021-10-07 11:18:36

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