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"Орта білім беру ұйымдарында білім алушыларды тамақтандыруды ұйымдастыру, сондай-ақ мектепке дейінгі ұйымдарда, жетім балалар мен ата-анасының қамқорлығынсыз қалған балаларға арналған білім беру ұйымдарында тәрбиеленетін және білім алатын балаларды тамақт

"Орта білім беру ұйымдарында білім алушыларды тамақтандыруды ұйымдастыру, сондай-ақ мектепке дейінгі ұйымдарда, жетім балалар мен ата-анасының қамқорлығынсыз қалған балаларға арналған білім беру ұйымдарында тәрбиеленетін және білім алатын балаларды тамақтандыруды қамтамасыз етумен байланысты тауарларды сатып алу қағидаларын бекіту туралы"

2020-12-08 12:14:21

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On the approval of the Rules for training in the form of external studies and the state service "Issuance of a permit for studies in the form of external studies in organizations of basic secondary, general secondary education."

On the approval of the Rules for training in the form of external studies and the state service "Issuance of a permit for studies in the form of external studies in organizations of basic secondary, general secondary education."

2020-11-28 09:05:26

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Rules of the public service "Acceptance of documents for the organization of free individual home schooling for children who for a long time cannot attend organizations of primary, basic secondary, general secondary education"

Rules of the public service "Acceptance of documents for the organization of free individual home schooling for children who for a long time cannot attend organizations of primary, basic secondary, general secondary education"

2020-11-28 09:03:31

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State service standard "Issuance of duplicates of documents on basic secondary, general secondary education"

State service standard "Issuance of duplicates of documents on basic secondary, general secondary education"

2020-11-28 09:00:58

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Rules for the provision of the public service "Establishment of custody or guardianship of an orphan (orphans) and a child (children) left without parental care"

Rules for the provision of the public service "Establishment of custody or guardianship of an orphan (orphans) and a child (children) left without parental care"

2020-11-28 08:59:58

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Serikbai Ainur, a student of the 11A grade of our school-lyceum, took the third place among the students selected from the city's schools for the XIII Presidential Olympiad.

Serikbai Ainur, a student of the 11A grade of our school-lyceum, took the third place among the students selected from the city's schools for the XIII Presidential Olympiad.

2020-11-27 11:14:24

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”Alikhantanu project" "Harmony of the great". Lesson-lecture on Abay and Alikhan for students in grades 8-9 on the Zoom platform

✅ ”Thursday wisdom”.26.11.2020 in the framework of The” alikhantanu project ""harmony of the great". Lesson-lecture on Abay and Alikhan for students in grades 8-9 on the Zoom platform. ✅ The speaker: teacher of the Kazakh language and literature Taizhanova Karlygash Baikenova

2020-11-26 15:10:16

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Online meeting with the owner of the national project” 100 new faces of Kazakhstan " Asan Zholdasov on the Zoom platform

✅ 25.11.2020 within the framework of the regional project “Moral lessons of life“, a very touching, exciting online meeting was held on the Zoom platform with the Director of the school of additional education "Pythagoras", the owner of the national project " 100 new faces of Kazakhstan” Asan Zholdasov! Students showed interest and established feedback.

2020-11-26 15:06:58

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"Latin graphics – a label for the purity of the language"

As part of the project" Ruhany Zhanguru "on 24.11.2020, a webinar was held on the ZOOM platform remotely among students of grades 8-10, organized by teachers of the Kazakh language and literature Saparova G. B and Taizhanova K. B on the topic "Latin graphics – a label for the purity of the language". In order to familiarize students with the transition of the Kazakh language to the Latin alphabet, Taizhanova K. B., increase interest in writing in Latin script Saparova G. B. conducted practical work on reading the text, solving riddles.

2020-11-26 14:44:39

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Individual entrepreneur dadanbayev Chingiz Serikbolovich held a remote business lecture on the subject for students of the Lyceum school” Basics of entrepreneurial business "

✅ 23.11.2020 individual entrepreneur dadanbayev Chingiz Serikbolovich held a remote business lecture on the subject for students of the Lyceum school” Basics of entrepreneurial business " on the Zoom platform!

2020-11-25 11:18:40

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Оnline оlympiad

Оnline оlympiad

2020-11-23 09:15:18

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"Ticket to the Future" project

13.11.2020 күні Облыстық "Болашаққа жолдама" жобасы негізінде "Мамандық таңдаудағы басты қағидалар мен экзаменге (ҰБТ) дайындықтағы тайм-менеджмент" тақырыбында онлайн еркін форматта кездесу өтті. Спикерлер: 1. Мектеп-лицейіміздің түлегі «Алтын белгі» төсбелгісінің иегері, Халықаралық “Шексіз математика” жобасы аясында өткен (Болгария-Қазақстан ) олимпиадасының жүлдегері, Назарбаев Университетінің 3 курс студенті-Садырбаева Зарина; 2. «Назарбаев Зияткерлік мектебінің» түлегі,Гонконг Политехникалық Университетінің 2 курс студенті-Куанышева Арайлым.

2020-11-23 09:04:20

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