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The contest "Song Phalanx"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2015-11-27 08:23:08
The contest
November 27, 2015 in a secondary school №8 was a competition "Drill Song", dedicated to the "Day of the first president." The competition started with a report the head of CWT SNR №8 T.E.Erimbetova Methodist City Department of Education Rakhimov Farhat Malikovich, then entered the room gsudarstvenny flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The competition jury evaluated the teams...
Author: School №8

Held a sound table on the theme«to continuity among primary closes and pre-scnool classes»

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-11-27 06:53:58
Held a sound table on the theme«to continuity among primary closes and pre-scnool classes»
24 November the department of prinnary school held a sound table on the theme«to continuity among primary closes and pre-scnool classes».The students of primary classes and pre- school classes held a discussion about theis advantages and disadvantages.The main were also discussed.


Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2015-11-25 10:13:07
Значение исследовательской деятельности для детей:  Обогащение памяти ребенка, активизируются его мыслительные Развивается речь ребенка. Происходит накопление фонда умственных приемов и операций. Формируется и развивается самостоятельность, способность преобразовывать какие – либо предметы и явления для достижения определенного результата. Развивается эмоциона...

All-school parents' meeting meeting

Date: 2015-11-25 09:10:30
All-school parents' meeting meeting
19.11 and 20.11 2015 the school held school-wide parent meeting where the following issues were discussed: 1. Legal General compulsory education. The law of RK "On prevention of offences among minors and warning of children's neglect and homelessness"; 2. The results of the educational work for the 2014 – 2015 academic year; 3. Problems of education of legal culture amo...
Author: School №10

Information school 10 on holding the line on November 24, 2015

Date: 2015-11-25 09:04:25
Information school 10 on holding the line on November 24, 2015
November 24, 2015 at school No. 10 were held for students in line 1 ( 1,3, 7 -11 classes) and (2,4, 5,6 classes.) 2 shifts. Opened a line of school Director. Lyudmila Yur'evna in his speech noted that in the framework of the Week of legal knowledge that today is the line of "Ethical and moral standards of conduct in the administrative Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan" ( legal edu...
Author: School №10

Information on the line, held 24 November 2015 in №8

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2015-11-25 07:07:21
Information on the line, held 24 November 2015 in  №8
November 24, 2015 for grades 8-11 at 11.40, and the second change for pupils of 5-7 classes held a working line. The goal: to educate correct attitude to the religious world, the spiritual and moral education, respectful otnosheniek spiritual and historical heritage of the people, the traditions of the national culture. Give information about the vandalism. Crime prevention among students. Opene...
Author: School №8

"From Khan Kerey to Kenesary"

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2015-11-24 08:26:40
11.21.2015 in the Palace of students passed pageant "From Khan Kerey to Kenesary" dedicated to 550 anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate. The competition was attended by: SNR №25, №1 presented Kerey Janibek and khans, SNR №24, №10- Kasim Khan, SNR №16 - Khaknazar Khan SNR №15-Tәuekel Khan city grammar school Yesim Khan SNR SNR №7i №3- Zhangir Khan SNR №5 Tauke Khan -internat school №3-Abu...
Author: School №8

Information on the activities carried out in a series of six days in between the Republican numbers from 10 to 20 November, devoted to the World Children's Day on the theme "Children's rights - human rights."

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-11-24 02:40:31
Information on the activities carried out in a series of six days in between the Republican numbers from 10 to 20 November, devoted to the World Children's Day on the theme
Objective: To increase the legal culture, the level of students' knowledge about the basic rules of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted November 20, 1989 the main UN Assembly. 10/11/2015 of a plan of action to the republican ten-day cycle "Children's rights - human rights" and at the First floor of the school was organized by the Information Desk. Responsib...

Information on holding an open classroom hour on the topic:«Ер есімі –ел есінде» SNR in №24

Category: New
Date: 2015-11-23 08:19:32
Information on holding an open classroom hour on the topic:«Ер есімі –ел есінде» SNR in №24
The open class hour of grade 9 A timed folk hero of deputy of the Senate Parliament RK, General of the Army of the timed to channel 70 anniversaries of M. K. Altynbayev, by theme “Er esimi – el esinde”  was hold secondary school № 24. Aim of lesson is to bring the pupils to the folk hero of deputy of the Senate Parliament RK, General of the Army.  Tell them about hi...
Author: School №24

«Хан Керейден Кенесарыға дейін» театрландырылған сахналық қойылымы

Category: Театр күні
Date: 2015-11-23 06:51:11
«Хан Керейден Кенесарыға дейін» театрландырылған сахналық  қойылымы
    21.11 2015 жылы  қазақ тілі мен әдебиеті және тарих пәні мұғалімдердің ұйымдастыруымен 7 сынып оқушылары:  Қазақ хандығының құрылғанына 550 жыл толуына  орай өткізген қалалық «Хан Керейден Кенесарыға дейін» театрландырылған сахналық  қойылымдар сайысында жүлделі  II орынға ие болды.           ...
Author: School №16

Заманауи жастардың мәселелерін шешудегі әкенің рөлі.

Category: Ата-аналар жиналысы
Date: 2015-11-21 10:09:49
Заманауи жастардың мәселелерін шешудегі әкенің рөлі.
On the basis of secondary school № 16 20.11.2015 year held a meeting of the school of the fathers "Rkinit". The theme "the Role of fathers in the decision of problems of modern youth". The meeting was attended by the Prosecutor of the Prosecutor's office of Balkhash city ". M. Kunpeisov, a veteran of education B. Marmazi, head of the Council fathers E. Balapanov, th...
Author: School №16

«Зорлық зомбылықсыз балалық шақ» атты Дүниежүзілік балалар күніне арналған республикалық ақпаратық науқанның ұйымдастырылуына байланысты «Бала құқығы-адам құқығы» атты онкүндікте өткізілген іс-шаралар

Category: Новости
Date: 2015-11-21 08:57:59
ЖББ №25 орта мектебінде  қараша айының 12-сі күні «Нашақорлықсыз әлем» тақырыбындағы сап жиыны өтті.Сап жиынында 1-11 сыныптың білім алушылары мен  сынып жетекшілеріне өткізілетін іс-шара жоспарымен таныстырылды. Мектептің 1 қабатына «Бала құқығы-асыл қазына» тақырыбындағы ақпараттық бұрыш ұйымдастырылды.Ақпараттық бұрышты мектептің білім алушылары және мектеп...
Author: School №25

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