
Новый год!

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2015-12-25 05:05:30
Новый год!
21 декабря 2015года в преддверии Нового года в нашем  детском саду прошла  конкурс на лучшую новогоднюю поделку. Цель: Организация выставки семейного художественного  творчества. Украшение интерьера детского сада к  новогодним праздникам. Задачи: Учить детей  вместе с родителями создавать  выразительные новогодние  образы. Развивать творческие спос...

Декада ко Дню Независимости РК

Category: kindergarten news
Date: 2015-12-25 04:45:00
Декада ко Дню Независимости РК
7 желтоқсан күні - балабақша аумағы  және  балабақша іші мерекеге қарсы безендірілді. Сондай-ақ, әр жас ерекшелік топтарда  «Менің елім- Тәуелсіздік Қазақстан» тақырыбында  бұрыш рәсімделді. 8 желтоқсан күні – ортаңғы және  ересек топ балалары  «Достық» мұражайына  саяхат жасады. Онда этнопедагог Байбосынова А.К. балаларға қазақ х...

Around the Christmas Tree

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-12-25 03:56:31
Around the Christmas Tree
New Year's most desired holiday. All the children are waiting for Santa Claus with gifts and adult happiness, fulfillment of all desires. December 23 among students in 3 classes in our school held a holiday "Around the Christmas tree." For the boys came to visit Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, fairy-tale characters. Gifts from Santa Claus got not only the children, but the Grandf...

Қош бол, әліппе!

Category: New
Date: 2015-12-24 05:07:08
Қош бол, әліппе!
At school, 1 "A" 1 "Ә" class held an event "Қosh ball, әlіppe." Children actively participated, showed that the knowledge gained during this time. The event was attended by all the teachers, parents and children. They were carried out cooperative gameplay. All children actively sang, recited poems, danced. The event was held at the level of Dolna.
Author: School №24

Әліппе – білім бастауы

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-12-24 04:11:17
Әліппе – білім бастауы
On the 22.12.2015y CSE “School – lyceum №15”conducted at the classes number 1 on the theme “Әліппе – білім бастауы”

Information on the prevention of drug addiction, as well as on the prevention of infection with AIDS

Category: NEWS
Date: 2015-12-23 13:16:14
Information on the prevention of drug addiction, as well as on the prevention of infection with AIDS
23.12.2015, in the auditorium of the school-lyceum №15 was held event "Preodotvratim addiction and AIDS" for grades 9-11, organized children narcologist narcological dispensary Balkhash Momenovoy Rashida Mazhitovna. 23/12/2015 at the school-lyceum №15 event was held for 7-8 classes on the topic of "action at TJ" organized by the head of the Balkhash TJ Abzhanova Bagdat Satbek...

декада иностранных языков

Category: Decada
Date: 2015-12-22 10:25:43
декада иностранных языков
Author: School №16

Information on the event dedicated to family traditions, humanity, education, spirituality at KSU OSSH№24

Category: New
Date: 2015-12-19 06:48:37
Information on the event dedicated to family traditions, humanity, education, spirituality at KSU OSSH№24
№24 орта мектебі бойынша отбасы дәстүрлері, адамгершілік және рухани – адамгершілік тәрбие беруге байланысты жүргізілген іс – шаралар туралы ақпарат №24 орта мектебінде рухани – адамгершілік және отбасы тәрбиесі бойынша әр түрлі іс – шаралар жүргізілуде. «Отбасы – бақыт мекені» тақырыбында отбасы күніне арналған іс – шаралар өтті. 1-4 сынып аралы...
Author: School №24

Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Category: school news
Date: 2015-12-19 03:30:22
Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan
15 December 2015 was held in the gymnasium lineup to celebrate the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan and in the hall of the school was a big holiday concert, prepared by a music teacher Pak GH and deputy director of educational work Ziyadin AS

Events are devoted to the day of Republic of Kazakhstan

Category: Новости сада
Date: 2015-12-18 11:23:59
Events are devoted  to the day of Republic of Kazakhstan
In  kindergarten "Baldyrgan" from 08.12.2015-15.12.2015 a year  was passed  by a week devoted to the day of  Republic Kazakhstan. The first day of week was begun with the  present pictures  of children "Astana - Elbasinin tyundisi". Children and parents actively participated in a competition. But also similarly the educators of every group conduc...

Information school 10 about the events devoted to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2015 – 2016 academic year

Date: 2015-12-18 10:30:38
Information school 10 about the events devoted to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2015 – 2016 academic year
16 December is a special day for the citizens of the country, a day symbolizing the end of an old phase of history and the beginning of a new page of development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. To educate civic patriotism, the formation of the ability to bear the responsibility before the native land, active civil position in important questions of public life, enhancing the sense of national pr...
Author: School №10

Celebration events devoted to the Independens Day

Category: News of the department of education
Date: 2015-12-18 08:26:19
Celebration events devoted to the Independens Day
     On December 11, 2015 in “Bobek” children’s preschool organization tutors and  parents organized an exhibition of children’s handicrafts made in various techniques and from waste materials, under the name “My independent homeland”, to celebrate the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The exhibition made bright impression a...
Author: Department

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