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Қазақстан Республикасының тұңғыш Президенті күні

Қазақстан Республикасының  тұңғыш Президенті күні

From 29 to 30 November our kindergarten «Zhuldyz» celebrated the Day of the first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Our holiday began with the anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan. We organized events and lessons for children about the first President of Kazakhstan and the children learned some interesting facts about the President and his contribution in the development of the state. The children read poems about the motherland, friendship and about independence and we showed skits, sang songs and danced. The children answered the questions about the Kazakhstan and kindergartener told to the children about the achievements of the first President. And on the holiday the children sang song.

Date: 30.11.2016, 10:14 Author: Children preschool institution "Zhuldiz"