Армысың әз-Наурыз!

Армысың әз-Наурыз!

Nauryz is a very important holiday for Kazakhs, which marks the beginning of a new year. Nauryz symbolizes goodness and wealth, happiness and love and a great friendship day. It is celebrated in our kindergarten "Zhuldyz" from 19 to 20 of March. On this special day children dress up in Kazakh national clothes.Children visited to villages "Altyndan", "Shaban bi". Children played in folk games "Arkan tartys", "Khantalapai", sang songs, danced and read poems. Kydyr-ata and grandmother Nauryzcame to the holiday. They were happy together with the children. Kydyr-ata traditionally gave everyone "bata". At the festival, Kazakh national traditions and rituals "Balaga at koyu", "Besikke salu", "Kirkinan shigaru", "Tusaukeser" were shown to children. In the senior group "Kyzgaldak" was held a festive contest "Daraboz". The contest consisted of the stages "Tell famous people", "Riddles", "Sayings", "Homework". The children showed their knowledge well.For the holiday, a festive exhibition was organized under the name "Nauryz Nakishtary".

Date: 21.03.2018, 11:24 Author: Children preschool institution "Zhuldiz"