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«Өзін-өзі тану Сүйіспеншілік пен Шығармашылық педагогикасы»

«Өзін-өзі тану Сүйіспеншілік пен Шығармашылық педагогикасы»

From 2 to 12 February 2018 a week of self-knowledge called “the pedagogy of Love and Creativity” was dedicated to the birthday of the president of the “Bobek” International Children Charitable Fund, Sarah Alpysovna Nazarbayeva, the First Lady of Kazakhstan. The director of the kindergarten K.B. Zhakisheva familiarized us with the plan of "Self-knowledge: Pedagogy of Love and Creativity" . In groups "Balapan" and "Aigolek" teachers conducted a circle of joy, where each child wished the other happiness, joy, smiles and a good day. Parents of the Tolagay group expressed their wishes to the kindergarten. Parents of the "Yerketay" group together with their children made a photo collage on the theme "Menyn suyikti otbasym". The teacher of the senior group "Kyzgaldak" G.A. Borbambaeva held a lesson on the topic "Dosyma komek sylastyk". The "Kolokolchik" group organized a photo exhibition "Meyirimdіlіk - asyl kаsiet". Psychologist P.A. Kabyldina conducted a psychological training on the topic "Zhasy konil-kuy zhan azygy". The methodologist of the kindergarten D.K. Elubaeva expressed her gratitude for the active educators and parents.

Date: 13.02.2018, 17:06 Author: Children preschool institution "Zhuldiz"