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Information about the work done in the framework of "Street Without Drugs", which was held in order to prevent crime and drug addiction.

Information about the work done in the framework of

Objective: Explain to students about the dangers of smoking and drug abuse. Deepen human qualities, to develop self-education. Instill in students a love for a healthy lifestyle.


21.04. among 8-11 classes were held on the topics of conversation: "Say NO!", "Do not cross the line." Students were explained the consequences of drug addiction.

22.04. among 1-4 grade primary school teachers and teachers of physical education were organized sporting events "Denі saudyң -zhany sau", "Kөңіldі start". The sports event was attended by 100 people, were organized fun games.

23.04. art teacher GJ Nurkeeva organized a drawing competition among 1-11 classes on the topic: "The future without drugs." This competition was attended by 11 students 1- 11 classes and 12 students circle "Zhivipis."

24.04. among grades 5-11 has been featured video on the topic: "The history of smoking." Before showing the video games were held and dance contest.

Students shared their thoughts about the dangers of drugs, alcohol and tobacco. Beat the moments on the proposed situations. Active participants were awarded prizes. In order to prevent smoking, alcohol and drug abuse were conducted propaganda work, handed out brochures. The main goal - to instill a love for a healthy lifestyle, proper use of their free time.

Date: 24.04.2015, 6:09 Author: School №24