Information about the work done by OSSH№24 devoted to the 20 - anniversary of the Convention "On the Rights of the Child" "Childhood without violence!"

Information about the work done by OSSH№24 devoted to the 20 - anniversary of the Convention

20 November the whole world celebrated the 20th anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. What children know about their rights? Able to do to protect them? What problems they find most important? What kind of success achieved by Kazakhstan over 20 years in the implementation of the Convention and to improve the situation of children and families? What problems are most relevant? UNICEF marks the 20th anniversary of the launch of the Convention, social advertising campaign on the Rights of the Child.
According to the plan from 19 to 28 November 2014 OSSH№24 held a series of events dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Convention "On the Rights of the Child." On the class hours were interviewed "on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights", "Convention on the Rights of the Child," on classroom corners were posted excerpts from conventions, each student was acquainted with them.
City Drug Dependency Dispensary was held "Open Day", students in grades 7-9, in quantity of 30 people visited the institution. Clinic specialists have been explained types of work to determine alcohol, tobacco and other substances harmful to health. During the tour, were analyzed to identify the drugs. Tour really liked children. Just on the eve of 1 dekabrya- World AIDS Day was held in the school lectures on different topics topics.
The school was among grades 5-11 essay contest on the theme "Together for a world without violence", where the best works were found, according to teachers humanities Baymankul Nazerke class 6A and 6B Gul Zarina student class.
To improve the psycho-social assistance to children were interviewed with children from "risk", a raid on a residence. School psychologist held a meeting among student leaders on "Improving psychological service", with explanations of psychology typology of minors, to enhance the motivation of conflict resolution, both among children and between students and teachers.
As part of legal education among students, teachers and parents of the school librarian was organized book and photo exhibition on the theme of "No violence in society", held thematic lectures and conversations. In order to create kollaborotivnoy environment among students, children of 7-8 classes were organized watching a cartoon that promotes learning in children and adolescents of mutual respect and solidarity.
In order to maintain public policy "Salamatty Kazakhstan" and social programs to support the family as a teacher of physical education was held game, "Mom, Dad, I - sports family!"
           "Convention on the Rights of the Child" - is an international agreement. It states give a commitment to respect the rights of every child. And our country also sign under that document, so - promised the world to take care of their young citizens.

Дата: 2.12.2014, 4:15 Автор: №24 мектеп-интернаты