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Information about scientific - practical conference in Karaganda

Information about scientific - practical conference in Karaganda

April 18, 2014 in Karaganda held scientific - practical conference of teachers Karaganda region on " Professionalism, innovation, creativity - the basis of quality education ."

In the work of this conference was attended primary school teacher of secondary school number 24 of Balkhash town - Tatiana Abramova on " Gaming technology in learning and education of younger students ."

In his speech at the section number 2 " Pre-school education , primary school ," the teacher told in detail about the use of the method of application of didactic games in the classroom and in extracurricular activities . Teacher were presented : educational - methodical complex on the subject in the form of instructions on the use of different classification of didactic games , CDs with lesson development using didactic games , was also provided guidance on the use of didactic games for the teaching of L. G. Peterson . Teacher of mathematics notebook designed for students in math class 1 number 1 and number 2 , using didactic games . According to the results of scientific - practical teacher awarded with the diploma education department of Karaganda region Educational - Methodical Centre of Education Development of the Karaganda region , signed G. Kozhahmetova .

Just the teacher on scientific - practical conference was provided by the article on " Successful cooperation with the parents ." This teacher's work printed in the book " Materials regional scientific - practical conference of educators " from April 18, 2014 in 2 parts.


Дата: 25.04.2014, 4:25 Автор: №24 мектеп-интернаты