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Training seminar on the theme "New approaches in training and teaching"

Training seminar on the theme


for teachers resource centre of school № 24,25,3,29, Balkhash
Objective: to introduce a three-level courses of improvement of qualification of teachers together with the Center of excellence and the faculty of education, University of Cambridge

Date - March 26, 2014
 Place of event : secondary school №24. Street Zaslonova                                               5    The planning team consisting of: Amanzholova K.B. (school№24) the teacher of the first advanced level, Zhunusova A.N.(school №24) the teacher of the second level, Bekbambetov G.K. teacher 3 levels (school №24),teacher of history of school № 3-second level


1. coaching on the subject of "New approaches in training" teacher's level 1 Sattarova SH.M. school gymnasium № 7 and Amanzholova K.B. school №24
2. Coaching on the theme : " Dialogical learning Amanzholova K.B. school №24
3. Coaching on the theme : "Group work, peculiarities of group work", "the Impact of group work on the motivation of the students"(Bekbambetov G.K. primary school teacher  school № 24 " Balkhash" together, the teacher of history of  school №3 " Balkhash" second level)
Causing on the theme: "the Assessment" master level 2 Zhunusova A.N.

Дата: 21.04.2014, 5:55 Автор: №24 мектеп-интернаты