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On 22-nd September, 2016y. at school-lyceum №15 mini-centre«Таншуак» was hold a matinee «Туған тілім-ана тілім!»

On 22-nd September, 2016y. at school-lyceum №15 mini-centre«Таншуак» was hold a matinee «Туған тілім-ана тілім!»

On 22-nd September, 2016y. at school-lyceum №15 mini-centre«Таншуак» was hold a matinee «Туған тілім-ана тілім!»

Children from elder group «Раушан» sang a song «Отан-ана», «Анатілім», told poems on 3 languages6 played different games. They learnt to appreciate and esteem the native language.