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«Айгөлек- 2016»

 «Айгөлек- 2016»

16/01/2016 was a traditional city children's contest "Aйгөлек- 2016". In the category "Бүлдіршіндер" winner of the Grand Prix with the song "Туған өлкем" became a student of Class 2 Uzakbay Ayar. In the category "Young Talents" took 2nd place group "Қызғалдақ." In the category "Жасөспірімдер әні" student of class 8 Madina Zhapparova a place 3 won in the nomination "Жасөспірімдер биі" dance group "Назғұмыр" with the song "Қарлығаш" took 1st place.