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Information about the events dedicated to the Day of family.

Information about the events dedicated to the Day of family.

Purpose: formation of a succession of generations, respect for elders, care for children, the tradition of mutual support, strengthen family values.

11.09. organized a book exhibition "My favorite book of my family" theme decorated booth. With 09.0.9- at 15.09 2-10 grade students participated in the design of photo collage. The best works were awarded with diplomas. Among the pupils of 2-10 classes conducted test.

11.09. on the school held a competition of drawings on the asphalt.

In order to strengthen the family and the preservation of traditions held essay competitions, songs, round table among students in grades 8-9, 10.09. held competitions among parents of pre-school groups.." According to the results of the competition First place took the family Koshanova, second place - the family and Amangeldi Kasenova, III place- Tuyakova, Aketaevy.

12.09. among students in grades 6 was a competition "Bіz zhetіstіkke zhetemіz." As a result of the game with family Karim 6 "D" Class took 1st place Kadirzhan 6 "B" class - the second place, the family and Aytkenovyh Sәkenovyh 6 "A" and 6 "Ә" classes - the third place.12.09. the school hosted an exhibition of needlework. As a result, the family Rahmetzhanovyh won the nomination "DәstүrlіOtbasy" family Tolegenova -"Zamanaui Otbasy" Berikzhanovyh - "ӨnerlіOtbasy" Bukenovy "Sheber Otbasy", "BerekelіOtbasy" Қozhahmetovy, Alғyr Otbasy "Dzhangutievy" Talapty Otbasy "Kәrіbaevy.15.09. held city competition "Young Family -2014." The contest Tasimbetova family N., PE teacher of our school-lyceum took second place.